Magazine High tech

Gratuitous Space Battles : patch 1.27

Publié le 11 décembre 2009 par Cyberstratege

Gratuitous Space Battles

Positech a sorti une nouvelle mise à jour pour son simulateur de bataille spatiale, Gratuitous Space Battles. Ce patch améliore les possibilités de zoom, rééquilibre quelques mécanismes et corrige quelques bugs. Le fichier se récupère automatiquement par le biais du jeu (ou sur Impulse, ou sur Steam, …). Pour plus d’informations sur le jeu voyez le site officiel.



*  Fixed bug relating to squadron sizes of fighters
* Balance changes: Cruiser quantum blaster damage increased from 5 to 8, tracking speed increased from 1.1 to 1.5, shield penetration increased from 40 to 48
* Balance changes: Cruiser rocket crew reduced from 12 to 8, Damage increased from 14 to 19, fire interval reduced from 1170 to 950, armor penetration increased from 30 to 36
* Balance changes: Cruiser guidance scrambler weight increased from 99 to 130 and crew increased from 4 to 8
* Fixed bug where challenges from players with the tribe installed but not ticked were unplayable
* Added new ‘hidden’ option to change the maximum zoom out (minzoom) in config.txt
* The length of challenge taunts is now 256 characters, and you can see the full text by hovering your mouse over a challenge on the challenge browser
* Added new feature: Supply limits which is currently only implemented for the Gravity Well level

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