Un court message aujourd'hui pour publier ma 3ème lettre reçue de Macao, postée le 30 novembre 2009 de l'ECAP ("Estacao Central para Atendimento do Publico"), le bureau de poste principal, dont la façade de l'édifice figure sur le tampon bleu à gauche.
Merci beaucoup Myron :-)
Les 2 timbres ci-dessous (1 et 4,50 patacas) font partie de la même série émise le 31 mars 2003, soit 10 ans jour pour jour après la promulgation de la loi fondamentale de la région administrative spéciale de Macao.
A short post today to publish my third letter received from Macau, mailed on November 30, 2009 from the ECAP ("Estacao Central para Atendimento do Publico"), the Macau's main post office, of which the facade is depicted on the blue inkmark on the left.
Thank you very much Myron :-)
The two stamps below (1.00 and 4.50 patacas) are part of the same series issued on March 31, 2003, exactly 10 years after the promulgation of the Macau Special Administrative Region's Basic Law.

Cette loi (une sorte de constitution) énonce les principes fondamentaux des relations entre Macao et autorités centrales chinoises, le système économique capitaliste, le système social, garantit les droits et libertés fondamentales de ses résidents, définit que le pouvoir est divisé en 3 parties (exécutif, législatif et judiciaire) et garantit à Macao une certaine autonomie.
This Basic Law, that has replaced in 1993 the Organic Statute of Macau effective since 1976, entered into force in December 1999 when this territory became a Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China.
This Law (a kind of constitution) states the basic principles of the relations between Macao and China's central authorities, the capitalist economic system, social system, guarantees the rights and freedoms of its residents, defined that the power is divided into three parts (executive, legislative and judicial) and guarantees Macau a high degree of autonomy.