La poste turque a émis, le 17 décembre 2009, une série de 2 timbres consacrés normalement à des personnalités turques ("Türk meşhurlari" comme mentionné dans la marge supérieure du timbre ci-dessous). Ce timbre évoque effectivement une grande figure de la littérature turque du 14ème siècle, Süleyman Çelebi, mais le 2ème timbre de cette série est consacrée à Cengiz Aytmatov ou Tchinguiz Aïtmatov (1928-2008), le plus grand écrivain de l'histoire contemporaine donc non turque ??
Merci beaucoup Ahmet pour cette jolie lettre postée d'Izmir (Pasaport) le 5 janvier 2010 :-)
Le timbre ci-dessous, à travers le poète Süleyman Çelebi (1351-1422), célèbre le 600 ans de son poème religieux "Mevlit", écrit en 1409.
The Turkish Post has issued on December 17, 2009, a set of two stamps normally devoted to Turkish personalities ("Türk meşhurlari" as mentioned in the top margin of the stamp below). This stamp indeed refers to a great figure of the 14th century's Turkish literature, Süleyman Çelebi, but the 2nd stamp of this series is devoted to Cengiz Aytmatov or Chingiz Aitmatov (1928-2008), the greatest writer in the Kyrgyz contemporary history... so what's the link with Turkey ??
Thank you very much Ahmet for this nice cover posted in Izmir (Pasaport) on January 5, 2010 :-)
The stamp below, through the poet Süleyman Çelebi (1351-1422), is celebrating the 600th anniversary of his religious poem "Mevlit", written in 1409.

Écrit dans un style très pur et donc accessible au plus grand nombre, le "Mevlit" célèbre la toute-puissance et la gloire du Prophète.
Süleyman Çelebi fut aussi nommé imam du palais impérial et de la grande mosquée de Bursa, la ville ou il mourra en 1422. Cette grande mosquée ("Ulu Cami"), de style seldjouke construite entre 1396 et 1400, figure donc logiquement sur ce timbre ainsi qu'un portrait du poète et le "Mevlit".
Le 2ème timbre à 25 Kuruş ci-dessus fait partie de la série officielle de 10 valeurs, émise le 26 mars 2009, consacrée à Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, le héros de l'indépendance turque.
Süleyman Çelebi (or Suleyman from Bursa) is actually always famous today thanks to his poem "Mevlit" ("The birth"), a religious work that was then the first of its kind written in Turkish language. Today, this poem is still recited during official or family ceremonies in Turkey.
Written in a very pure and therefore accessible to the greatest number, "Mevlit" celebrates the omnipotence and glory of the Prophet.
Süleyman Çelebi was also appointed imam of the Imperial Palace and of the Great Mosque of Bursa, the city where he died in 1422. The Great Mosque ("Ulu Cami"), of Seljuk style built from 1396 to 1400, is logically inluded on this stamp with a portrait of the poet and the "Mevlit".
The 2nd stamp above (25 Kuruş) is part of the official series of 10 values, issued on March 26, 2009, dedicated to Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, the hero of the independence of Turkey.