Magazine High tech

Patch 1.35 et mini add-on pour Gratuitous Space Battles

Publié le 02 mars 2010 par Cyberstratege

Gratuitous Space Battles

Positech a récemment sorti une nouvelle mini-extension pour Gratuitous Space Battles. Nommé The Order, il s’agit essentiellement d’un data pack ajoutant une race extra-terrestres, et des vaisseaux supplémentaires. Pour l’occasion voici une bande-annonce qui vous présentera en action les principales nouveautés. Si besoin voyez cette page sur le site officiel.

Par ailleurs, le jeu de base est récemment passé en version 1.35. Au menu, diverses corrections de bugs et optimisations. Voyez le changelog ci-après pour une liste complète des modifications du patch 1.34 a priori. Le patch 1.35 était plus une sorte de Hotfix rectifiant une erreur introduite dans la précédente mise à jour.




# Performance: Speed increase for drawing the deployment screen.
# Bug Fix: Fix for design picker scroll buttons not always working right if you have used the design filter buttons.
# Performance: UI performance improvement for scrolling on the challenge browser screen.
# Usability: Various Improvements to range-setting UI on the deployment screen.
# Performance: Differential challenge data downloading means that refreshing the challenge list is much faster now.
# New Feature: Fleet overlay UI for the battle screen showing every ship on your fleet and it’s current status.
# Bug Fix: Shield modules that are destroyed no longer count towards calculating shield resistance.
# Usability: Mouse cursor now changes to the hand icon when over something clickable.
# New Feature: Added module stat comparison window when you click any item of module data.
# Bug Fix: Weapons will now fire at anything within range correctly, even if ordered not to attack a certain class, providing that no other suitable targets are in range.
# Bug Fix: Fixed missing hulk for the rebel atlantis bomber.
# Bug Fix: Fixed bug where armor module reduced effectiveness through stacking was not always calculated correctly for UI purposes.
# Bug Fix: Apostrophes in challenge map names and taunts are no longer preceded by a forward slash.
# Bug Fix: Fixed bug where the challenges didn’t update their ratings, attempts and so on, when you clicked refresh.


The order

10 New ships. 4 Cruisers 3 Frigates and 3 fighters, all in a new graphical style by the same artist who did the original GSB artwork. The order ships use tractor beams to keep the different components together. Girders are so 2450’s.

4 New weapon types:  The radiation gun does impact damage plus ongoing internal radiation damage as its effects devastate your ship from the inside. Nuclear missiles provide the same entertainment in missile form. Firefly rockets give normal cruiser rockets a boost of speed, and lastly, cunning anti-fighter limpet mines latch on to incoming fighters and drag them down to speeds where everyone can take pot shots at them.

New ship bonuses. The order ships have pretty poor engines, but those big green throbbing powerplants kick out more juice on order ships. What could you design given more power and less speed? The order is your opportunity to find out.

2 New Scenarios. Two maps for you to fight against the order, One is a normal map, but with the fun and games of a nice aesthetically pleasing 3D style asteroid field (does not affect gameplay but looks cool), and the other is a ’survival’ mode match where you play last ship standing and try to score higher than other players in the global high score table.

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