Zoot Woman, le groupe de Stuart Price, se produira live le 6 mai à la Rockhal (Esch sur Alzette / Luxembourg)
Bravinthemix.com vous fait gagner deux places! Pour cela, envoyez moi par mail ([email protected]) le titre de Zoot Woman remixé par le Knight Club! Les deux premières bonnes réponses sont gagnantes!
En bonus, voici l'interview du groupe paru dans Luxuriant N°12!
Zoot Woman is back! For eight years, fans have been waiting for the new release of this most interesting English band. The leader, Stuart Price, also Madonna’s producer, is looking forward to performing at the Rockhal on 6th May, and has given Luxuriant a few minutes of his time.
• Hey Zoot Woman! Why has it taken so long time to produce your new album Things Are What They Used To Be?
Hi! I know it’s been a long time, but it really came together in the last year after we had written a lot of material. It is important
for us to have everything the way we like it before releasing an album. After all, once it’s out, it’s always there, staring you in the face!
• “Lonely by your side” could well be the perfect electro pop song. The lyrics are a little bit sad but the track is full of energy. Is this a good definition of Zoot Woman’s sound?
I guess that song has a familiar Zoot Woman feel to it. Very melancholic lyrics but with positive melodies.
• This track was previously recorded with Johnny for Azzido Da Bass and was released on Kitsuné Maison 2.
Gildas has always had his ear to the ground which is what makes Kitsuné so well respected. I think he helped make that song a real success, not only in Europe but elsewhere too.
• There are many directions in this album.
I guess so. When we start a song, we have big ideas about how it should end up, but really the song dictates the direction. It can end up completely different from how you originally thought.
• You are, maybe, the perfect band for mixing music and fashion. Why do you give such an important place to fashion?
It makes sense, especially to people who have never been introduced to Zoot Woman music, to ‘look’ just like the band ‘sounds’.
• You have collaborated with The Knight Club. How did you meet Rico and Guy-Man?
The Knight Club have a consistent groove that you sometimes hear in Daft Punk. Classy stuff. It would be great to hear more of
their interpretations of Zoot Woman material.
• You remixed Phoenix. Do you still remix bands? How do you choose them?
“Too Young” is a great song - Zoot Woman and Phoenix were releasing debut albums at the same time. We thought it would be cool to add a Zoot Woman style to it and they were up for it. It’s one of only a few Zoot Woman remixes.
• How would you describe your music?
Nonchalant. I don’t know what the French translation would be?
• Could you give us your hottest moment backstage?
A clue… It involves a hair-dryer… Won’t say any more!
• Could you give us some gossip on Madonna?
She likes to listen to Zoot Woman at least once a day… †

Projet articulé autour du producteur/remixeur Stuart Price aka Jaques Lu Cont, Thin White Duke,… Zoot Woman fait partie de ces groupes qui ont (re)donné à la musique électronique ses titres de noblesse. Mélange de mélodies pop et de nappes électro teintées de son eighties, Zoot Woman s’est construit un son reconnaissable entre mille ! Une soirée qui vous réservera aussi quelques petites surprises…
On ne peut parler de Zoot Woman sans évoquer la carrière de Stuart Price. Dans les années 90, c’est avec Les Rythmes Digitales, projet à mi-chemin entre pop synthétique et trip-hop qu’il se fait remarquer. Quelque temps plus tard, il met sur pied Zoot Woman, groupe électro dans lequel il tient la basse. Un premier album paraîtra en 2001 sous le nom de « Living in a magazine ».
Le vent en poupe, Price devient l’allié no.1 d’artistes aussi divers que Madonna (pour qui il produira l’album « Confessions on the dance floor ») mais aussi « Day & Age », le dernier album en date des Killers ou encore Starsailor (le remix de « Four to the floor », c’est lui !).
Aux côtés de Stuart Price se trouve Johnny Blake dont la voix surprenante et délicate donne au groupe sa véritable couleur. Enfin, troisième et dernière cheville ouvrière de Zoot Woman, Adam Blake ammène la touche finale à l’ensemble. La combinaison de ses trois génies fait de Zoot Woman un groupe rare et précieux dont les lives shows sont toujours impressionnants.
Après un album éponyme en 2003, Zoot Woman est revenu au meilleur de sa forme en 2009 avec « Things are what they used to be », leur troisième album.
Cette soirée sera exceptionnelle à plusieurs niveaux. Non seulement il s’agira là du tout premier concert de Zoot Woman au Luxembourg, mais vous pourrez également découvrir, lors de cette soirée et pour la toute première fois sur scène, le nouveau projet des anciens membres du groupe Minipli.
Minipli a défrayé la chronique l’année dernière, raflant tout sur son passage. Le groupe fut à l’affiche de la plupart des festivals se déroulant au Luxembourg et, cerise sur le gâteau, aura eu l’honneur d’être le représentant de l’antenne Lorraine-Luxembourg lors du Printemps de Bourges.
En 2010, ils reviennent sous un nouveau nom, à savoir Plankton Waves, mais toujours avec la même envie de vous surprendre et de vous divertir. Nouveau buzz en perspective ?
Quant à la fin de soirée, celle-ci se terminera sous les beats implacables de Kuston Beater, bien connu au Luxembourg pour ses prestations alliant puissance et subtilité.
Bref, voici une soirée électro qui marquera les esprits ! Et vous avez au moins trois bonnes raisons pour vous déplacer !
Site officiel : www.myspace.com/zootwoman
Zoot Woman (Electro/Pop/Alternative –UK)
Jeudi 6 mai 2010
Rockhal // Club
Ouverture des portes à 20h00
Zoot Woman, a project of producer and remixer Stuart Price, aka Jacques Lu Cont, Thin White Duke, etc., is one of those bands that have turned electronic music into something special (again). With their mix of pop melodies and eighties-style electro beats, Zoot Woman have built their own sound which is recognizable among thousands! This concert will certainly have some surprises in store…
There’s no way of talking about Zoot Woman without mentioning the career of Stuart Price. During the nineties, he attracted attention with Les Rythmes Digitales, a project somewhere between synthie pop and trip hop. A little later, he formed Zoot Woman, his own electro band in which he plays the bass. The first album, “Living in a magazine”, was released in 2001.
Price now became the number one ally for different renowned artists such as Madonna (for whom he produced the album “Confessions on the dance floor”), The Killers (with their latest album, “Day & Age”) and Starsailor (he remixed “Four to the floor”!).
Beside Stuart Price, Johnny Blake largely contributes to the band’s character with his surprising and delicate voice. And last, but not least, Adam Blake gives the final touch to Zoot Woman. It’s the combination of these three geniuses that turns Zoot Woman into a rare and precious band whose live performances are always very impressive.
After an eponymous album in 2003, Zoot Woman are in full cry again in 2009 with their third album, which is named “Things are what they used to be”.
This concert will be exceptional on several levels, though. Not only will it be Zoot Woman’s first-ever appearance in Luxembourg, but also an opportunity to discover the new project of the former members of Minipli. It’s going to be their first appearance on stage…
Last year was a very successful one for Minipli. They played at most of the festivals that took place in Luxembourg and the icing on the cake was the honor to represent Lorraine and Luxembourg at the Printemps de Bourges festival in France.
In 2010, they’ll be back under a new name, Plankton Waves, but still as eager to surprise and entertain their listeners. New buzz in sight?
Later in the evening, Kuston Beater (who is best-known in Luxembourg for his powerful, yet subtle performances) will terminate the festivities with his relentless beats.
In short: prepare for a top-class electro event! And there are at least three good reasons for you to head to the Rockhal!
Official web site: www.myspace.com/zootwoman
Zoot Woman (Electro/Pop/Alternative – UK)
Thursday, 6th May, 2010
Rockhal // Club
Doors open at 20.00 hrs