Dans le cadre du mois du patrimoine national, la poste des Philippines a émis, le 20 mai 2010 au musée métropolitain de Manille, une série de 5 timbre et un bloc-feuillet pour commémorer le 100ème anniversaire de la naissance du peintre et illustrateur philippin Vicente Silva Manansala (1910-1981).
4 timbres de cette série figurent sur la jolie lettre ci-dessous postée le 18 juin 2010 (de la ville de Quezon city ?).
Merci beaucoup E.B. Tato :-)
Sans surprise, des oeuvres majeures de Manansala ont été reproduites sur ces timbres ainsi que son portrait sur le timbre de grand format (20 pesos) en bas.
Coinciding with the celebration of the National Heritage Month, the Post of the Philippines has issued on May 20, 2010 at the Metropolitan Museum of Manila, a series of five stamps and a souvenir sheet to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the birth of the Philippine painter and illustrator Vicente Silva Manansala (1910-1981).
Four stamps of this series are included on the nice cover below mailed on June 18, 2010 (in Quezon City ?).
Thank you very much E.B. Tato :-)
Unsurprisingly, some of the major works of Manansala have been reproduced on these stamps as well as his portrait on the large format stamp (20 Pesos) below.

Il étudia les beaux-arts à l'université des Philippines puis au Canada et à Paris (en 1950) où il approfondit son art et créa le "cubisme transparent" caractérisé par une superposition de couches de peintures de couleurs translucides.
Artiste National aux Philippines, Manansala a influencé de nombreux artistes néo-réalistes comme Angelito Antonio ou Norma Belleza. Ses oeuvres font partie des collections de musées philippins, américains ou de Singapour.
Les timbres ci-dessus reproduisent les oeuvres "Installation de la première croix" (1965), "Bayanihan" (1982), "Sabungero" (1982) et "Marchand de poissons" (1982).
Vicente Manansala is considered as the pioneer of the cubist sensibility in the Philippines in particular through his painting "Mother and Child" (1940), then the first example of a Cubist work in this region of the world.
He studied fine arts at the University of the Philippines and also in Canada and in Paris (1950) where he furthered his art and developed "transparent cubism" characterized by a superposition of painting's layers of translucent colours.
National Artist in the Philippines, Manansala has influenced many neo-realist artists such as Angelito Antonio or Norma Belleza. His works are part of the collections in Philippines, U.S. and Singapore Museums.
Stamps above are reproducing his works "Planting of the first cross" (1965), "Bayanihan" (1982), "Sabungero" (1982) and "Fish Vendor" (1982).