Magazine Culture

The Maine – ‘Inside of You’ | Black and White

Publié le 16 juillet 2010 par Ynmgzn @ynmgzn

The Maine est un grope de pop-rock, formé il y a un peu plus de 3 ans, le groupe originaire de Tempe, Arizona (US) ne cesse de monté en puissance depuis sa création, récemment ils ont fait d’ innombrables tournées aux côtés de Boys Like Girls ou encore All Time Low.
Juillet 2010, le groupe sort son deuxième album, ‘Black & White ‘ produit par Howard Benson (My Chemical Romance, The-American Rejects All), la bande a l’ambition devenir un groupe pop-rock incontournable.
Déja vue !
Black and White: Des jolies mélodies oubliables, un album plutôt fade, et surtout très structuré (c’est ce qu’on appel le formatage ?! icon smile The Maine   Inside of You | Black and White ) des singles tout fait… cela reste potable.
the maine The Maine   Inside of You | Black and White

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The Maine is a grope of pop-rock, there is formed a little over three years, the band from Tempe, Ariz. (U.S.) is continually increased in intensity since its inception, they have recently done countless tours alongside Boys Like Girls or All Time Low.
July 2010, the band released their second album, ‘Black & White‘ (produced by Howard Benson (My Chemical Romance, The All-American Rejects), the band’s ambition to become an unavoidable pop-rock band.
Already a view!
Black and White: Some pretty forgettable songs, an album rather bland, and very structured (that is what we call the formatting?

icon smile The Maine   Inside of You | Black and White
) Singles all made … it remains clean.

Black and White The Maine   Inside of You | Black and White
Artiste: The Maine
Titre: Inside of You
Album: Black and White
Genre: Pop Rock
Labels: 2010 Warner Bros. Records Inc. / Warner Music Company.
iTunes | The Maine – Black and White
Amazon | The Maine – Black and White

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