Sa date précise de naissance est inconnue mais on sait que le compositeur et théoricien musical autrichien Johann Joseph Fux est né en 1660 dans le village de Hirtenfeld proche de Langegg bei Graz (Land de Styrie, sud-est de l'Autriche).
La poste autrichienne a commémoré le 350ème anniversaire de sa naissance en émettant, le 26 juin 2010, un intéressant timbre (conçu par Brigitte Heiden) représentant un de ses portraits d'époque et sa maison natale à Hirtenfeld où une plaque commémorative à été dévoilée pour l'occasion.
Ce timbre (1 €) figure sur le FDC ci-dessous avec cette impressionnante oblitération "1er jour" émise à Langegg bei Graz (inspirée du portail d'entrée de sa maison natale ??).
Merci beaucoup Florian :-)
His precise birth date is unknown but we know that the Austrian composer and musical theorist Johann Joseph Fux was born in 1660 in the village of Hirtenfeld near Langegg bei Graz (Land of Styria, southeastern Austria).
The Austrian Post has commemorated the 350th anniversary of his birth by issuing, on June 26, 2010, an interesting stamp (designed by Brigitte Heiden) featuring one of his portraits of this time and his birthplace in Hirtenfeld where a commemorative plaque was unveiled at the occasion.
This stamp (€ 1.00) is included on the FDC below with this impressive FDC cancellation issued in Langegg bei Graz (inspired by the front gate of his birthplace ??).
Thank you very much Florian :-)

Son opéra "Costanza e Fortezza" (devise des Habsbourg) fut représenté avec un énorme succès lors du couronnement de l'archiduc Charles d'Autriche à Prague en 1723.
Mais Fux fut aussi un grand théoricien et son traité de contrepoint "Gradus ad Parnassum" ("Montée au Parnasse"), publié en latin en 1725, servit de référence à de grands compositeurs comme Mozart, Beethoven ou Haydn...
Johann Joseph Fux (1660-1741) was very influenced in his compositions by the Italian Renaissance composer Palestrina, well-known for his Roman Catholic church music. He was named composer of the Imperial Court of Leopold I in 1698 and Kapellmeister of the same Court from 1715 until his death.
His opera "Costanza e Fortezza" (motto of the Habsburg) was performed with great success at the coronation of the Archduke Charles of Austria in Prague in 1723.
But Fux was also a major musical theorist and his treatise on counterpoint, "Gradus ad Parnassum" ("Ascent to Mount Parnassus"), published in Latin language in 1725, served as a reference to other important composers like Mozart, Beethoven or Haydn...