"Poetry", "The Switch", "Lost Persons Area", here is the second choice of films not to miss this month.More in English >>
Poetry de Lee Chang-Dong
Sortie française prévue le 25/08/10
Site officiel : http://diaphana.fr/film/poetry
Une famille très moderne (The Switch) de Josh Gordon et Will Speck
Sortie française prévue le 25/08/10
Site officiel : http://www.familletresmoderne.fr
Lost Persons Area de Caroline Strubbe
Sortie française prévue le 25/08/10
Site officiel : http://www.acaciasfilms.com/index.php?page=lost-persons-area
Poetry by Lee Chang-Dong
French release on 25/08/10
Official website: http://www.poetry2010.co.kr/
The Switch by Josh Gordon and Will Speck
French release on 25/08/10
Official website: http://theswitch-movie.com
Lost Persons Area by Caroline Strubbe
French release on 25/08/10
Official website: http://www.lostpersonsarea.com