La Deutsche Post a émis récemment (quelle date précisément ?) une série de 3 enveloppes pré-affranchies consacrées à l'héroïne Bibi Blocksberg, très connue par les jeunes allemands.
J'ai eu la chance de recevoir une de ces 3 enveloppe ci-dessous, postée le 3 septembre 2010 de la ville de Mülheim. Merci beaucoup Igor :-)
C'est en réalité le service "Plusbrief Individuell" de la poste allemande qui propose ces 3 enveloppes prépayées avec un timbre à 0,55€ (tarif intérieur allemand).
Pour rappel, ce service permet aux usagers de créer des enveloppes affranchies avec un timbre incluant une illustration de leur choix. Le service "Pluskarte Individuell" est l'équivalent pour les cartes.
The Deutsche Post has issued recently (when precisely ?) a series of three prepaid covers devoted to the heroine Bibi Blocksberg, well known by young Germans.
I was lucky to receive one of these three envelopes below, mailed on September 3, 2010 from the city of Mülheim. Thank you very much Igor :-)
It is actually the "Plusbrief Individuell" service by the German Post that is offering these three prepaid covers each including a stamp to € 0.55 (domestic tariff German).
As a reminder, this service allows users to create envelopes with a stamp including their own design. The "Pluskarte Individuell" service is the equivalent for cards.

Cette série, intitulée "Eene meene Hexerei" à l'origine, a été déclinée en dessins animés, en films et en une multitude de produits dérivés.
Igor a ajouté 2 timbres de la série courante allemande en cours, consacrée à des fleurs des jardins, pour atteindre le tarif prioritaire pour l'envoi de lettre standards vers l'Europe (0,70€ actuellement).
This little practical joker witch, aged 13, is a heroine of children's series in Germany (nearly 100 episodes to date), created in 1980 by British author Elfie Donnelly.
This series, entitled "Eene meene Hexerei" originally, was declined in cartoons, in movies and a multitude of tie-in products.
Igor has added two stamps part of the current definitive German series, devoted to garden flowers, to reach the priority rate to send standard letter to Europe (€ 0.70 at present).

A different card is available with each of the three prepaid covers, like the one above attached by Igor. Each card is featuring Bibi accompanied by several other characters of this series.

An overview above of the three "Plusbrief Individuell" covers and their three associated cards (blue, pink and orange) marketed by the Deutsche Post.