Dans un message précédent, je publiais les 7 gravures spéciales émises lors du dernier salon du timbre à Paris, reproduisant, dans des couleurs différentes, un des 24 timbres émis dans la série "Les saveurs de nos régions" (émission le 14 juin 2010, dans 2 carnets autocollants de 12 timbres chacun).
Isy Ochoa, peintre et illustratrice, conceptrice de cette série très colorée, avait eu la gentillesse de m'envoyer à l'époque une version vert clair (signée !) de cette gravure. 9 gravures ont été émises lors de ce salon (une chaque jour), il me manquait donc la version en noir...
In a previous post, I published the seven special engravings issued during the last "Salon du Timbre" in Paris, reproducing, in different colors, one of the 24 stamps part of the series "Les Saveurs de nos régions" ("Flavours of our Regions"), an issue of June 14, 2010, in two self-adhesive booklets of twelve stamps each).
Isy Ochoa, painter and illustrator, the designer of this colorful series, was kind enough to send me to the time a bright green version (with her signature !) of this engraving. Nine engravings were issued at this Stamp Exhibition (one each day), so I missed the black version...

J'adore ce chat qui semble dévorer des yeux une lettre sur laquelle figure un des timbres de cette série "Saveurs de nos régions", évoquant un plat typique de la région de Franche-Comté (ma région natale !) : le chapon aux morilles (avec sans doute une sauce au vin jaune...).
Quel plaisir des yeux de découvrir ce type de courrier dans ma boîte aux lettres :-)
I've had the great pleasure to receive this week the new beautiful envelope above, specially designed by Isy Ochoa, posted on September 24, 2010 in the village of Savigny-sur-Braye, located in the department of Loir-et-Cher !
I love this cat that seems to eye a letter greedily, on which is included one of the stamps of this series "Flavours of our regions", referring to a typical dish of the region of Franche-Comté (my native region !) : a capon with morels (probably with a yellow wine sauce...).
What a feast for the eyes to discover such a cover in my mailbox :-)

Ces 9 gravures évoquent le timbre consacré à un plat de la région Haute-Normandie (Escalope normande). A noter la signature de l'artiste à droite :-)
Isy Ochoa was again kind enough to include in her letter the engraving above, black version, which was missing in my collection !
These nine engravings evoke each the stamp devoted to the region of Haute-Normandie (Normandy's escalope). To note again the artist's signature on the right :-)

As in her previous letter, Isy Ochoa attached an illustrated card (issued in aid of the International League Against Racism and Antisemitism) reproducing one of her works, entitled "Nature morte bleue" ("Blue Still-Life") (2002), that I can not resist to share with you above !

Si vous habitez dans le coin, vous aurez l'occasion unique de découvrir les 24 tableaux originaux d'Isy Ochoa qui ont été reproduits sur les 24 timbres de cette série "Saveurs de nos régions" !
Pour la petite histoire, ce village de Savigny-sur-Braye est également associé à une autre artiste peintre, cubiste, Jeanne Rij-Rousseau (1870-1956) !
It's worth noting to conclude that an autograph session will be held on Thursday, October 7, 2010 at the post office of Savigny-sur-Braye, in the presence of Isy Ochoa of course (have a look at the poster above) !
If you live in the corner, you will have the unique opportunity to discover the 24 original paintings by Isy Ochoa that have been reproduced on the 24 stamps of this series "Flavours of our regions" !
As a matter of interest, this village of Savigny-sur-Braye is also associated with another (cubist) painter, Jeanne Rij-Rousseau (1870-1956) !