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Dans la même rubrique Actu
- Médias : Un nouveau prix pour les journalistes camerounais
- Publicité : Le drapeau du Cameroun confondu à celui du Sénégal
- The Decentralization Process in Cameroon and the Management of Communal Space: A Real Challenge for the Local Communities
- Vie Chère : L’insaisissable flambée des prix
- Livre: Les élections au scanner
- Décentralisation : Les journalistes planifient leurs activités
Videos les plus récentes
- Histoire de l'hymne National
- Les défis environnementaux
Autres Videos
- FENAC Maroua 2008
- Les Religions au Cameroun
La Constitution camerounaise

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The Decentralization Process in Cameroon and the Management of Communal Space: A Real Challenge for the Local Communities

Écrit par 237online.com
Jeudi, 28 Octobre 2010 15:14

The patrimony of communes in Cameroon is constituted by all the moveable and immovable properties. This set of properties is a huge potential, which optimally managed, can generate significant revenues that could spur development of the vast majority of our municipalities. Yet, studies have revealed that the procedures of general business and management of goods and services in particular in Cameroon's collectivities are deficient. This deficiency is largely explained by the lack of knowledge related to land tenure system, the management of communal structures and ignorance of the different methods of managing common property under the applicable regulations and legislations. Therefore, our municipalities must carry out actions aimed at improving the management of their municipal patrimony. These actions should focus on the training and capacities building of all communal agents involved in the day by day management of communal patrimony.
Rivellie Aimée Tchuisseu Tchepnkep, 237online.com
IMRD ERASMUS-MUNDUS Student (International Master of Science in Rural Development)
Ghent University, Belgium
Mise à jour le Jeudi, 28 Octobre 2010 17:12
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