Toomy Disco, aka Marin Iliuta, is a producer from Argentina and you'd better learn his name cause there's big things coming from this South American!
His debut album "Bedroom Tricks" is an expertly crafted example of the big Nu-Disco explosion and is already being championed by the likes of Tensnake, M.A.N.D.Y., Dubfire and Annie Mac.
I say expertly crafted but I mean completely made in his bedroom and he's only 22... but you'd never know it because of how good it is! Synth loops and repetitive beats make for a really dancey sound... all topped off with cheeky disco beeps, cymbals, hi hats and vocals.
Think of a raw, young Daftpunk and your getting there...
SSRCD007 1 ToomyDisco CheekToCheek SoSoundRecordings by Fanouninho