Magazine Musique

Stuart James, City On a Roll: quand l'envie de pisser fait dire comme il faut

Publié le 14 janvier 2008 par Croytaque

Sur son MySpace, il apparaît sur une affiche avec, comme descriptif, "songs of two minutes or less". Je ne sais pas si c'est un jeune homme pressé, il illustre en tout cas parfaitement une indication qu'avait donnée Bernard-Marie Koltès pour lire je ne sais plus lequel de ses textes: le lire comme un enfant qui aurait envie d'aller pisser. C'est donc du débobinage rapide, de la psalmodie urgente, du récitatif monocorde à l'ultrason. Il a quand même (parfois) une guitare pour ralentir le mouvement de sa planète folle. Basement Beatz pense à une ressemblance avec Jamie T. Moi je pense que c'est quelqu'un qui a eu maille à partir avec le spoken word, peut-être même que c'en est mais personne ne veut faire mon éducation.

Quelques vidéos au son pas terrible (sur MySpace c'est mieux):

Voilà en tout cas les paroles pour City On a Roll:

rise an shine growing up in the eyes
of the wise and the gays
of a city on a roll
at your best on the crest of a wave born again
and the smile of a child on the train
we can go take a lead, we can breath
we can feed on the fruits of the earth in the proccess
meeting my foes by the grace and the great
and the girl in the songs of the misunderstood
clear blue skys and my
eyes in the sunrise shaped like a newborn child like glow
part of the heart of the youth of a girl
at my side is the prize in the mirror of time
the truth in the hands of fate
holding the lure and the love
holding the taste in my mouth in my sleep in the bed
in the love that keeps smart own
pouring with rain on the long walk home

the gays in the city on a roll
you can clean my body, you can't clean my soul

afternoon later on going out going on
by my side is a boy with a conciounce to hide
and i warn him to forget
so we aim for the bar,
for the drink that we need to delete and repeat
that is all like a loop on a track on the wax
of the world where we joke i can smoke
i can roll for the road for myself
friend that are there, thats to the view of the sea and the sun
for the aim is to be and to grow into you
and the chance for a prize
and the first one to capture the love in your eyes
through the break in ur leg
is worth being chat up 'till your (?)
for the sick you concieve of life on the line
in the food you can't breath and take
never know how you are when you treated my right
and the love that we make in the wake of the fight

the gays in the city on a roll
you can clean my body, you can't clean my soul

the thought in the street for the hate
in the dream, girls beats, sow seeds,
for the love that you want
now you need is a game without a sense of regret
or a use cant sit wearning out from the hate
the abuse and the shame of the youth
if afraid of the looks which will fade as you grow
and the debt that i owe for the love
and the mercy you show and your soul
and the gays of a city on a roll

rise an shine up in the eyes
of the wise and the gays
of a city on a roll
at your best on the crest of a wave born again
and the smile of a child on the train
we can go take a lead, we can breath
we can feed on the fruits of the earth in the proccess
meeting my foes by the grace and the great
and the girl in the songs of the misunderstood
clear blue skys and

the gays in the city on a roll
you canvidéos  clean my body, you can't clean my soul

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