Magazine Culture

Quand Radiohead parle de la Révolution Tunisienne

Publié le 08 février 2011 par Akram02

Être un grand groupe c'est aussi se sentir concerné par les grands évènements, intervention bien sympathique et qui finalement a pas mal de valeurs à mes (nos, Ghosta...) yeux.

Source :

The Dignity Revolution

What have twitter and facebook ever done for us?
Obviously, keeping in touch with everyone but I have to say I have become increasingly excited over the last 3 months about the possibilities of this form of communication.Yes I am very slow out of the blocks. It's in the arena of public protest that it seems twitter and facebook are increasingly the means by which popular movements throughout the world are able to come together and mobilise.
I have been so moved by the peaceful Jasmine revolution in Tunisia; The anti-Government demonstrations centred on Tahrir Square in Cairo.. Social networking has helped facilitate the freedom to assemble peacefully and express oneself. Equally in Britain it seems to be having a similar effect in helping essential protests being organised by students and groups such as UK Uncut against the Government's ill thought out cuts ... Well done those people! Ed.

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