Entre 1998 et 2000, l'administration postale de l'Union du Myanmar (ex-Birmanie) a émis une série de 6 timbres consacrés à des instruments de musique traditionnels du pays.
Parmi ces 6 timbres, un timbre (30 kyats) émis en 1999 représentait une harpe traditionnelle birmane, appelée aussi saung ou saung-gauk.
Between 1998 and 2000, the postal administration of the Union of Myanmar (formerly Burma) has issued a series of six stamps devoted to traditional musical instruments of the country.
Among these six stamps, a stamp (30 kyat) issued in 1999 featured a traditional Burmese Harp, also known as saung or saung-gauk.

Merci beaucoup Thitar :-)
A part les mentions "REG" et "YANGON G.P.O.", les timbres à date ne comportent que des caractères birmans, y compris concernant la date d'envoi...
Cette harpe saung-gauk (entre 13 et 16 cordes) existerait depuis le 8ème siècle mais sa musique est devenue familière au 18ème siècle lorsque cet instrument accompagna le Rāmāyana, un des écrits fondamentaux de l'hindouisme.
This is this stamp that appears in three copies on the registered letter above mailed from the general post office in Yangon, the former capital.
Thank you very much Thitar :-)
Except the mentions "REG" and "YANGON G.P.O.", the hand postmarks are including only Burmese charcaters, including the send date...
This saung-gauk harp (between 13 and 16 strings) would exist since the 8th century, but its music has become familiar in the 18th century when this instrument was used to accompany the Rāmāyana, one of the basic writings of Hinduism.