Magazine Banque

Le paysage modifié de la banque privée et de la gestion de fortune en 2011

Publié le 03 juillet 2011 par B3b

Le Cabinet d’audit PWC a publié en juin une étude globale sur la banque privée et la gestion de fortune. Elle y propose une revue de ce nouveau paysage bancaire secoué par les dernières crises financières, l’évolution de la réglementation et les nouveaux profils de la clientèle.

Le paysage modifié de la banque privée et de la gestion de fortune en 2011Much has changed since our 2009 edition. After the tumultuous and destructive global financial crisis, the world has moved on, but the path of progress has been difficult. Given the current geopolitical reality, significant economic uncertainty and profound change in the regulatory and consumer environ­ments, PwC found participants in this edition of our survey to be struggling with the reality of the new normal, ever increas­ing change and uncertainty. Just as prior perspectives in our survey reflected the situation at the time so does the 2011 survey. Change, its impact and consequences define what our respondents think about the position and potential of their businesses.

The survey provides a number of perspectives on private banking and wealth management. In our analysis, tougher clients, the impact of regulation and the need for greater efficiency are leading to performance challenges. The pace of change is also faster than it has been historically and organisations’ ability to adapt and change is now critical as cost income ratios remain stubbornly high.

Analysing these and other factors provides us with several of the main drivers which in our view herald a new age in the wealth management industry.

via Anticipating a new age in wealth management – PwC Schweiz

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