Magazine Culture

Planningtorock: Resident Advisor - Mixtape MP3 Planningtorock -...

Publié le 11 juillet 2011 par La 3e Heure!
Planningtorock: Resident Advisor - Mixtape
Planningtorock -...  Played:50 [Flash 9 is required to listen to audio.]

Planningtorock: Resident Advisor - Mixtape


  1. Planningtorock - The One mash-up feat. Meredith Monk
  2. Jason Fine - Control Voltage (Oni Ayhun remix)
  3. Planningtorock mash-up
  4. Grimes - Heartbeat (Laurel Halo remix)
  5. Planningtorock - Broke 
  6. Anne Clark - Our Darkness 
  7. Radiohead - Reckoner (Telepathe remix)
  8. Oni Ayhun - OAR001
  9. The Knife in collaboration with Mt. Sims and Planningtorock -Seeds (Shinedoe remix)
  10. Creep - You (Planningtorock remix) 
  11. Anne Clark - Poem Without Words / Angel Haze poem I Like the Girls
  12. Shit Robot & Planningtorock - Answer Machine (PTR mash-up) 
  13. Planningtorock - The Breaks - (Hannah Holland remix) 
  14. Oni Ayhun - OAR004 
  15. The Fall - Hit the North 
  16. James Leyland Kirby - Tonight is the Last Night of the World 
  17. Art Department - Without You 
  18. Doorway (PTR mash-up) 

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