Pas beaucoup de contenu cette semaine, mais toutefois on y trouve - enfin - une démo de Dead Nation, des add-on gratuits sur Motorstorm Apocalypse, une nouvelle enquête sur L.A. Noire et surtout des tenus FF7 pour Little Big Planet 2. Ah oui, aussi un bundle pas cher de cinq jeux minis, forcément bon à prendre pour les vacances.
Démos PS3
Dead NationPixelJunk Shooter 2
Minis (PS3 et PSP)
Arcade Pool & Snooker (3.99€)
Awesome Summer Bundle: A Space Shooter for 2 Bucks!, Young Thor, Widget Odyssey 1 and 2, Zombie Tycoon (5.99€)Gamocracy One : Legend Of Robot (2.99€)
Contenus additionnels PS3
DanceDanceRevolution: New Moves - DDR Supernova 2 Greatest Hits (3.59€)
DIRT 3 - Mud And Guts Car Pack (5.49€), ou Citroën C4 Rallycross, Ford Mustang Gt, Lancia Stratos, Peugeot 205 T16 Evo 2, Saturn Sky (1.59€ chacun)
Hyperdimension Neptunia - Red Events, 5Pb Events (3.99€ chacun)
L.A. Noire - « Reefer Madness » Vice Case (3.99€)
LittleBigPlanet 2 - Pack de costumes Final Fantasy 7 (5.99€), ou Sephiroth, Cloud, Tifa, Aerith (1.99€ chacun)
Michael Jackson: The Experience - Another Part Of Me (2.99€)
ModNation Racers - Gladiator Props Pack (4.99€)
MotorStorm Apocalpyse - The Rock Livery Pack, Dynamo: Queen of Hearts Event Pack (gratuits)
+ Rock Band 2, Rock Band 3, Yoostar 2
Avatars PS3 (0.25€)
Under Siege
Eirik Gunnar
Thèmes PS3
Disruptive- Brain Freeze (1.99€)
- Fire Inferno Theme (1.99€)
- Maiden’s Tower Of Istanbul Theme (1.99€)
- Meditating Woman Theme (1.99€)
- Pantheon Theme (1.99€)
- Waitomo’s Secret Theme (1.99€)
- Acr Theme (1.59€)
- Ak Theme (1.59€)
- Gun Theme (1.59€)
- Horror Skulls Theme (1.59€)
- M4 Theme (1.59€)
- Mini Uzi Theme (1.59€)
KillZone 3
- Guard Dynamic Theme (1.99€)
- Hatch Dynamic Theme (1.99€)
The Studio
- Logo Static Theme By Richard Wood (1.99€)
- Cosmic Pencil Dynamic Theme by Cody Hudson (1.99€)
- Buddhas Static Theme by Hydro (1.99€)
Vidéos PS3
Air Conflicts: Secret Wars
Driver San Francisco NeverDead
Contenu additionnel PSP
Buzz The Ultimate Music Quiz - Quiz National Geographic Kids (3.99€)