Magazine Culture

Mark Ryden | Pinxit

Publié le 09 septembre 2011 par Roughdreams @popsurrealisme

Mark Ryden | Pinxit

Le 25 novembre prochain, une monographie de 300 pages dédiée au peintre américain Mark Ryden va paraître chez Taschen. Intitulée Pinxit (« a peint » en latin), cette monographie devrait être publiée en trois langues (anglais, français et allemand) et sous la forme de plusieurs éditions plus ou moins limitées. Une première édition coûtant environ 715€ est en précommande sur divers sites mais une ou deux autres éditions plus onéreuses sont aussi à prévoir. De plus amples informations seront fournies dès que possible. Stay tuned…

Mark Ryden | Pinxit

On november 25th, a 300-pages monograph of american painter Mark Ryden will be published by Taschen. Named Pinxit (latin locution for « painted »), this monograph should be translated in three languages (english, french and german) and should come in 2 or 3 more or less limited versions. A first version costing about $1100 can be preordered on several websites but one or two more expensive versions are to be expected. I’ll post more infos about this new book as soon as possible. Stay tuned…

In the meanwhile, here’s the short text written by Taschen to introduce the project :

« Fuzzy bunnies, big-eyed girls, meat, magic and mystery Mark Ryden’s carnival of kitsch. Blending themes of pop culture with techniques reminiscent of the old masters, Mark Ryden has created a singular style that blurs the traditional boundaries between high and low art. His work first garnered attention in the 1990s when he ushered in a new genre of painting, « Pop Surrealism », dragging a host of followers in his wake. Ryden has trumped the initial surrealist strategies by choosing subject matter loaded with cultural connotation. Ryden’s vocabulary ranges from cryptic to cute, treading a fine line between nostalgic cliche and disturbing archetype. Seduced by his infinitely detailed and meticulously glazed surfaces, the viewer is confronted with the juxtaposition of the childhood innocence and the mysterious recesses of the soul. A subtle disquiet inhabits his paintings; the work is achingly beautiful as it hints at darker psychic stuff beneath the surface of cultural kitsch. In Ryden’s world cherubic girls rub elbows with strange and mysterious figures. Ornately carved frames lend the paintings a baroque exuberance that adds gravity to their enigmatic themes. Complex in its arcane and idiosyncratic subject matter, Ryden’s work can leave no viewer unmoved. This sweeping retrospective book brings Ryden’s work to the world, with nearly two decade’s worth of paintings and works on paper, broadening the horizons of his uncanny universe. »


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