Magazine Culture

Courtney Love envoie le bresil se faire foutre

Publié le 14 novembre 2011 par Newwavehooker
Courtney Love envoie le bresil se faire foutre
Courtney Love s'est fâchée toute rouge lors d'un concert au Bresil lorsqu'un fan a brandi une photo de Kurt Cobain devant elle, avant de quitter la scène :
"I don't need to see a picture of Kurt asshole and I'm going to have you fucking removed if you keep holding that up. I'm not Kurt, I have to live with his shit and his ghost and his kid every day and throwing that up is stupid and rude and I'm going to beat the fuck out of you if you do it again. You weren’t fucking married to him, I fucking was. You didn’t get kicked out of a band by him, like Dave, he did. Go see the fucking Foo Fighters and do that shit."
 On peut rire de l'irritation de Love, mais l'idiot de son groupe venu faire crier un "foo fighters are gay" au public est un peu pitoyable.

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