Magazine Asie

Les macarons au thé vert de Lily Wang

Par Unefilleenchine

Les macarons au thé vert de Lily Wang

Comme promis lors de son interview voici la recette (en anglais) des macarons au thé vert de Lily Wang, chef patissière Sofitel Chine.
Merci Lily !

Ingredients :

* 50g almond powder

* 105g of icing sugar

* 50 g egg white

* 25g sugar

* 6 g green tea power

* 3 drips green color

* 1 drip black color


1.tSift the icing sugar, almond powder , Green tea powder for several times until blended. In a clean large bowl, beat the egg whites on high speed until foamy.
Gradually add the granulated sugar and continue beating until a smooth, shiny meringue with stiff peaks forms.
Add the ground almond mixture to the meringue bowl all at once, then quickly but gently fold together using a wide rubber spatula until no streaks remain .You want to achieve a thick batter that ribbons or flows from the spatula when lifted. And when you draw a line in the batter by your stapula, the batter will come together after you count from 1 to 5.

2. Line two baking sheets with silicone baking mats or parchment paper. Transfer the batter to a piping bag fitted with a plain wide round tip. Pipe into small rounds on the prepared baking sheets, spaced about 2 inches apart. Let sit at room temperature for about an hour to develop a hard shell.

3. Preheat the oven to 300 degree F. Bake for 10-15 minutes, depending on size. Transfer the pans to a wire cooling rack and let cool completely before moving the cookies.


Filling Cream:

* 600g butter cream

* 300g pastry cream

* 30g butter melted

* 50g green tea power

Allow the pastry cream to warm slightly and whisk briskly until smooth . Mix in the Creen tea powder Warm the butter and the vanilla butter cream (to22℃) and mix them into the first mixture. Whisk briskly ,Set aside

Italian Meringue:

* 150g water

* 500g sugar

* 300g whites

* 100g sugar

Cook the water with the sugar at 124℃.Whisk the egg whites with half the sugar and whisk until stiff with the remaining sugar, pour the cooked sugar onto the whisked whites then leave to cool until completely cold .Wrap and freeze

Vanilla Pastry Cream:

* 1L milk

* 125g sugar

* 240g egg yolk

* 125g sugar

* 90g cream powder

* 2pcs vanilla pods

Boil the milk and 125g sugar with the split vanilla pods .Whisk the yolks with the remaining sugar without foaming .Fold in the cream powder .Pour the hot milk onto the yolk\sugar\powder mixture and whisk .Strain and cook over a high heat for 1 min, after boiling until you obtain a smooth cream .Pour the pastry cream into candying tray then cover with wrap ensuring contact .Cool the temperature quickly to 4℃

Vanilla Butter Cream:

* 300g milk

* 125g sugar

* 1pc vanilla pod

* 250g egg yolks

* 125g sugar

* 1kg butter

* 250g Italian meringue

Heat the milk with a part of the sugar and the split vanilla pod to 50℃ whisk the egg yolks with

The rest of the sugar and pour on the hot milk .Poach with a whisk to 90℃. Strain into a mixer bowl then ,using a whisk, cool to 30℃

Temper the butter at 20℃,then gradually fold into the mixture to obtain an emulsion .Delicately add the Italian meringue .Wrap and keep in the refrigerator at 4℃

NB : pour les cantonnaises un cours de patisserie au Sofitel est en cours d’organisation avec Canton Accueil. Recettes et dates à confirmer.

NB 2 : la photo a été prise par mes soins au Sofitel, je n’ai pas fait ces jolis macarons toute seule… Dites moi si vous y arrivez !

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