Magazine Culture

The Hives - A Little More For A Little You (2004)

Publié le 06 juin 2012 par Toto
The Hives - A Little More For A Little You (2004) The Hives, comme la plupart des groupes suédois est de ceux qu'on n'écoute qu'avec parcimonie (Abba, The Cardigans, I'm From Barcelona, etc). Pourtant, ceux-là n'ont pas grand chose à voir avec une formation habituée du concours de l'Eurovision. Non, sous couvert de sapes élégantes et distinguées, ce quintet gentiment déjanté ne fait pas vraiment dans la dentelle et a pour habitude de balancer un bon gros rock qui dépote, tous riffs dehors. Leur dernier disque en date, "Lex Hives" qui vient tout juste de sortir,  ne dérogera pas à la règle et devrait combler les amateurs du genre. On pourrait donc passer son chemin sans demander son reste, mais il y a toujours eu chez eux quelques titres plus marquants que les autres. "A Little More For A Little You" sous haute influence du Supergrass de "I Should Coco" en fait indéniablement partie. C'est d'ailleurs dès ce "Tyrannosaurus Hives" (inspiré évidemment par T-Rex) paru en 2004 que les Hives prendront un tournant plus ouvertement pop après des débuts plutôt connotés blues (les singles ravageurs que sont "Hate to Say I Told You So" et "Main Offender", ce dernier sert aussi de bande sonore à une publicité mémorable où l'on voit une Kylie Minogue toute en positions suggestives...). Même si leur musique n'a, somme toute, rien de révolutionnaire, elle a au moins le mérite d'être ludique et divertissante. Leur avantage est alors de ne pas trop se prendre au sérieux. Chose pas si courante dans le rock nordique.
You'll never get it right
They got a hundred lies for you
And when they pass them out
You gotta give or take a few
And be just the same
A head in the crowd but behind the game
Oh well, you never can tell
Such a clever kid
But i see
what's wrong with you-It's all you ever did
Take lies and believe them true (too)
Knew it all along
Another act and a
truth gone wrong
Oh no
It ain't my hollywood

I went on strike when the union said I would
Had a sign in my hand cause
the times were no good
AAnd all this time all they ever told me
too was to get a little lie to ring a little true I went
on strike when teh union said I should
Had a sign in my hand cause the times were no good
And all this time all they
ever told me too was to get a little more for little you
And maybe you're alright
And maybe I don't have a clue
Yeah, maybe black is white
And maybe black is white too
But it's all the same
You don't get the picture your getting framed
You took the bait and now it's too late
You didn't turn out right
Just look at you
You had the biggest plans
But no way
to carry through
It was all an act
And now you can't stick to the facts
Oh no
It ain't my hollywood
I went on strike
when the union said I would
Had a sign in my hand cause the times were no good
And all this time all they ever told me
too was to get a little lie to ring a little true
You spent your time just like they said you should now
Those marks on your face just don't look any good
And all the time all that they told you to was get a little more for your little you

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