Magazine Animaux

The problem is not how they got there ... It's how do you get them out?!

Par Mandemoil
De la part du philosophe Louis (traine dans mon email depuis plus de 2 semaines. Ça change des nouvelles technologiques du genre Yammer acheté par Microsoft pour 1,2 milliards. Les gros joueurs ont carrément perdus la boule ou quoi... on parle de positionnement, mais bon je ne serai jamais CFO!)
 Anyway... allons-y dans le plus léger et regarder svp jusqu'à la fin...
The problem is not how they got there ... It's how do you get them out?!
The problem is not how they got there ... It's how do you get them out?!
The problem is not how they got there ... It's how do you get them out?!
The problem is not how they got there ... It's how do you get them out?!
The problem is not how they got there ... It's how do you get them out?!
The problem is not how they got there ... It's how do you get them out?!
The problem is not how they got there ... It's how do you get them out?!
The problem is not how they got there ... It's how do you get them out?!
The problem is not how they got there ... It's how do you get them out?! The problem is not how they got there ... It's how do you get them out?!

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