Magazine Beaux Arts

Edward Cucuel, An Outing by Boat

Publié le 19 août 2012 par Kenza

Edward Cucuel, An Outing by Boat

Edward Cucuel (1875-1954), Green Dressed

Edward Cucuel, An Outing by Boat

The Yellow Parasol

Edward Cucuel, An Outing by Boat

Seated Woman on a Railing

Edward Cucuel, An Outing by Boat

On the Dock

Edward Cucuel, An Outing by Boat

On a Pier

Edward Cucuel, An Outing by Boat

Evening by the Lake

Edward Cucuel, An Outing by Boat

After the Crossing

Edward Cucuel, An Outing by Boat

An Outing by Boat

Edward Cucuel, An Outing by Boat

In the Sun

Edward Cucuel, An Outing by Boat

Badende Mädchen am Starnberger

Edward Cucuel, An Outing by Boat


Edward Cucuel, An Outing by Boat

Sommer Regatta

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