Magazine Beaux Arts

Dirty windows, Merry Alpen

Par Fadingpaper
Dirty windows, Merry Alpen
Dirty windows, Merry Alpen
Dirty windows, Merry Alpen
Dirty windows, Merry Alpen
Dirty windows, Merry Alpen
Dirty windows, Merry Alpen
Dirty windows, Merry Alpen
«Reoccurring characters gave these pantomimes a soap opera quality and I’d try to decipher plot lines and guess the next scene. These minidramas and their unvarying props— condoms, tatoos, silicone, crack— filled my head and I began to think about the windows all the time. They found their way into my dreams.» —Merry Alpern
Entre 1993 et 1994, Merry Alpern a photographié secrètement le monde secret d'un sex club près de Wall Street à travers la fenêtre de la salle de bain .Source: tumblr

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