Quand un fan de la série » Breaking Bad » fabrique lui-même des poupées articulées de Bryan Cranston.
Un artiste amateur, Trevor Grove, a réalisé ses propres figurines articulées à la Big Jim de la série Breaking Bad dont il est un grand fan. Il explique qu’il a fabriqué ses figurines de Bryan Cranston à l’aide de diverses éléments de récup, en utilisant des corps de vieilles poupées, des vêtements de jouets trouvés sur ebay et ensuite modifiés. Un ami l’a aidé pour les sculptures et la colorisation des visages. Un chouette travail de fan.

« Last year I sculpted up a few portraits of Bryan Cranston as Walter White from my favorite show « Breaking Bad ». I was finally able to put the finishing touches on 3 custom figures of Walt, all of which were given to the creators of the show this past week.
It’s been a helluva lot of fun, and a tremendous thrill to get to meet the artists behind this terrific show that has been so inspiring to me. Kinder people you will not meet!
So here’s a look at the finished custom figures. These were pieced together from various sources, using Hot Toys bodies, and clothes I found on ebay and then altered. The heads were all painted by some talented friends of mine, and they really brought Walt to life. It’s been a lot of work to try and piece these together in my free time, but I really enjoyed doing it. »