Magazine Culture

Outils de recherche (29/03/08)

Publié le 29 mars 2008 par Pintini
- Searching as a Team: An innovative tool aims to help users search the Internet together
(source: MIT Technology Review via Federated Search, 19/03/08)
- World's First Search Engine for Meetings: Worktopia
(source: SEWB, 26/03/08)
- Yahoo and the Future of Search
(source: SEWB, 26/03/08)
- Search Within a Search: Where's it Leading?
(source: SEWB, 26/03/08)
- Search TRLN
(source: PSLB, 27/03/08)
Interface de recherche "fédérée" des ressources documentaires de 4 universités (E.-U.): Duke University, North Carolina Central University, North Carolina State University, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
- RocketNews
(source: ResourceShelf, 28/03/08)
Un moteur de recherche d'actualités (+ 60.000 sources)

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