Magazine Culture

caroline corbasson

Publié le 01 décembre 2012 par Oshimoto


“A Cloud began to cover the sun slowly, wholly. Grey. Far. No, not like that. A barren land, bare waste. Vulcanic lake, the dead sea: no fish, weedless, sunk deep in the earth. No wind could lift those waves, grey metal, poisonous foggy waters. Brimstone they called it raining down: the cities of the plain: Sodom, Gomorrah, Edom. All dead names. A dead sea in a dead land, grey and old. Old now. It bore the oldest, the first race. A bent hag crossed from Cassidy’s, clutching a naggin bottle by the neck. The oldest people. Wandered far away over all the earth, captivity to captivity, multiplying, dying, being born everywhere. It lay there now. Now it could bear no more. Dead: an old woman’s: the grey sunken cunt of the world. Desolation.” ULYSSES James Joyce

“A Cloud began to cover the sun slowly, wholly. Grey. Far.
No, not like that. A barren land, bare waste. Vulcanic lake, the dead sea: no fish, weedless, sunk deep in the earth. No wind could lift those waves, grey metal, poisonous foggy waters. Brimstone they called it raining down: the cities of the plain: Sodom, Gomorrah, Edom. All dead names. A dead sea in a dead land, grey and old. Old now. It bore the oldest, the first race. A bent hag crossed from Cassidy’s, clutching a naggin bottle by the neck. The oldest people. Wandered far away over all the earth, captivity to captivity, multiplying, dying, being born everywhere. It lay there now. Now it could bear no more. Dead: an old woman’s: the grey sunken cunt of the world.

ULYSSES James Joyce

Posted 2 weeks ago with 2 notes

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caroline corbasson
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Working on “Dark Matter” drawings September 2012

Working on “Dark Matter” drawings

September 2012

Posted 1 month ago with 1 note
Au Laptop 6, rue Arthur Rozier , 75019 Paris - Vernissage le vendredi 5 octobre de 18h à 22h - Ouverture les samedis 6, 13, 20 et 27 octobre de 14h à 19h. Artistes : Benoît Blanchard, Mathieu Bonardet, Caroline Corbasson, Florent Dubois, Milan Ladyka, Réjane Lhote, Mathilde Roussel, Lucas Ruiz, Samuel Yal, Anaïs Ysebaert

Au Laptop

6, rue Arthur Rozier , 75019 Paris

- Vernissage le vendredi 5 octobre de 18h à 22h -

Ouverture les samedis 6, 13, 20 et 27 octobre de 14h à 19h.

Artistes : Benoît Blanchard, Mathieu Bonardet, Caroline Corbasson, Florent Dubois, Milan Ladyka, Réjane Lhote, Mathilde Roussel, Lucas Ruiz, Samuel Yal, Anaïs Ysebaert

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