Magazine Culture

Blanche Neige, Yasmine, Cendrillon, la Petit Sirène souillées par l’artiste Alana Mays

Publié le 07 mai 2013 par Darkplanneur @darkplanneur

Les Princesses et les Contes de Fés sont éternels ! Pourtant, ils prennent une nouvelle jeunesse aujourd’hui, en infiltrant le réel, ils deviennent les miroirs de nos psychoses…d’où ce remarqué travail d’Alana Mays

Blanche Neige

Blanche Neige, Yasmine, Cendrillon, la Petit Sirène souillées par l’artiste Alana Mays

« In this concept, I have created a twist by making Snow White not beautiful. Snow White has passed out from choking on an apple and she is in need of CPR to be saved. A man is about to give her CPR, but because he does not find her desirable, he looks repulsed. This idea shows that if you are not beautiful, then you will not be rewarded. »

Alana Mays

Princesse Jasmine

Blanche Neige, Yasmine, Cendrillon, la Petit Sirène souillées par l’artiste Alana Mays

«  »In the Disney film Aladdin, the heroine Jasmine has been stereotyped to be a prize. Men desired Jasmine for her title and beauty instead of her inner beauty. The concept shows Jasmine inside of a life size game machine, surrounded by toy cars, to play on the idea that she is a prize or trophy to be won by a male. She is worried as she knows that eventually she will be won by a man rather than be swept of her feet by a man of her choice. This idea implies that women are sometimes seen as an object rather than as an individual. »

Alana Mays


Blanche Neige, Yasmine, Cendrillon, la Petit Sirène souillées par l’artiste Alana Mays

« In the Disney film Cinderella, the heroine is stereotyped as a poor domestic slave. In this concept Cinderella is in an office where she is working but is still wearing her dirty, used kitchen gloves. This shows that even though women have the right to work these days, they still bear the title of being the domestic housewives when they go home. »

Alana Mays

La Petite Sirène 

Blanche Neige, Yasmine, Cendrillon, la Petit Sirène souillées par l’artiste Alana Mays

« This concept shows Ariel getting plastic surgery transformation which shows that women today are focusing on their outer appearance and are going to the extremes of plastic surgery to meet societies’ expectations of beauty. »

Alana Mays

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