Le former sticks man for heavy metal band White Zombie a été retrouvé sans vie le week-end dernier à Madison, Wisconsin.
Il avait 44 ans.
Aucun détail quant aux circonstances du trépas.

Phil Buerstatte a tenu les baguettes chez White Zombie de 1992 à 1994, il était derrière les drums durant le Sexorcisto tour.
Avant sa période White Zombie, il était actif au sein du metal band Last Crack dont l'album 'Sinister Funkhouse #17 'a défrayé les chroniques rock en 1989.
Le groupe s'était reformé dans la formation originale en 2009.
Interviewé il y a peu Rob Zombie devait déclarer:
Well, I heard rumors of this a few days ago but I wasn’t sure if they were true or not. But it seems that one of our former drummers for White Zombie has died. Phil Buerstatte who was in the band for about two years 1992-94 was found dead this weekend.
“Phil was a very trouble guy during his time with us and I never really knew what happened to him after he left the band. The few stories I heard were not good. He played on three recording with us in his brief time, Feed The Gods on The Airheads Soundtrack, Children of the Grave and I AM HELL from the Beavis and Butthead soundtrack.”