Magazine Beauté

Beauty Trends according to my crystal ball! :D

Par Krisdiscoveries @KrisTravels
According to my crystal ball (the one with a lady in black dress with gold shimmers falling all over her after having given a good shake!), these are the upcoming trends in the beauty field...
Beauty Trends according to my crystal ball! :D
1.  Well-being and stress-relief cosmetics We are all driven by our daily occupations, trying to juggle between work and household stuff. Today we seek to find solutions to ease this lifestyle madness ... we seek to find a way to be ZEN! Scheduling for a massage or a facial at the spa, or an appointment at the hairdresser seems to be a great idea. However, speaking for myself, I just can't find the time!
So this is why the demand for products that combine effectiveness AND well-being is on the upswing. Formulas and philosophies based on natural ingredients, aromatherapy, botanical extracts etc. are gradually taking a hefty chunk on the marketplace.
Brands carrying these philosophies are: Decléor, Natural Elements, Dr Hauschka, Balance Me, Neil's Yard among others.
2.  Facial Oils Facial oils have always existed for numerous brands like Decléor and Darphin among the most renowned ones. Some customers are great fans of them (including me) while others don't seem to really be into it as often, it is because they have misconceptions about facial oils - such as facial oils inevitably mean oily or it stays on the skin surface and will make the skin shine. Not at all!!!
Upcoming brands like Natural Elements or Aurelia Skincare have exceptional facial oils. Not only do the lovely fragrance put you in an immediate state of well-being upon application, but they are also absorbed very easily by the skin. Natural Elements uses vital oils (the most refined plant oil such as grape seed oil, sweet almond and avocado oil among others) as bases and the cocktail of precious essential oils are carefully selected to have the best formulation adapted to a specific skin's needs. What I like about Natural Elements is that the formulas contain only the necessary active ingredients required for the results expected. There is no active ingredients whereby the concentration is so minimal that they don't actually make a difference in the entire formulation. For some cosmetic brands, the list of active ingredients is very long and makes the formulation look so complex! But if you inquire further, many of the active ingredients are at such a ridiculous concentration that I wonder why they are even there! Of course, it makes the formulation more elaborated and customers would then have to pay a certain price for it! 
I am not saying that it is the case for all brands... but that's just for you to be aware of this possibility! :)
3.  Let's go for Beauty Drinks I have been traveling to Japan for the past 8 years for at least 2 times per year and every time I go there, I'd buy my little bottles of collagen booster made by Shiseido. I had discovered these magic potions when I was working with the Shiseido team where I would also be given either a collagen booster or a whitening drink when we would have a break from our work sessions! :D My first encounter with this unusual drinks dates back to my first visit to Japan about 8 years ago. Today, this trend has slowly been introduced to the European market and more and more people are aware of them now. I have already tested a newly launched beauty drink (which I may introduce on my e-shop) and I am currently testing another one called OCOO - beauty drinks made in Germany.
Beauty Trends according to my crystal ball! :D
I shall write a review on it as soon as I finish my cure of these lovely-tasted beauty drinks! :)
This will be all for today being from my crystal ball!... :)
I hope that you have found this article interesting! :) Don't forget that you can follow all the updates on Facebook and Twitter.
Laters! xoxo

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Par Taylor Smith
posté le 01 novembre à 21:37

Hello, My name is Taylor Smith. I am the artist who created the painting that you are using as the image for this article. Would you be kind enough to link to my website? The painting you have above is in the Landscape Therapy gallery on my website. Thank you Kris!