cerises, tartare de noix de veau, bégonia, gelée d'eau de tomate

crème de jaune d'oeuf, sucrine cuite et crue, feta rapée et croûtons

turbot de ligne, rhubarbe, petit pois, eau de cosse, oignons

oxalys, poule de Patis, chou, concombre chaud, mousseline d'artichaut, foie et salicorne

Glace à l'oseille et meringue poivrée

Glace au sureau, fraises et abricots rôtis, granola

Every year for my birthday, I have the chance to be taken to a nice restaurant (like Saturne). This year, the surprise was held at Septime (I've been wanting to test it since a long time!) in my favorite area, the 11th (so many treasures for the mouth).At first, I let myself get conquered by a few details like the flower garden, the bathroom with its vintage mirrors and gripping Aesop soap, the fancy visual identity (chef Bertrand Grébaut is a former graphic designer, worked among others at Alain Passard), the cozy warmth of the dining room and raw wood tables, bouquets of peonies carelessly placed here and there, the bread to fall by Rodolphe Landemaine or the juice of black cherries and summer savory from Table des Lutins.Then come the entrées, such simple and striking accuracy, raw and fresh, singular associations to please the palace, like the veal tartare, cherries, poached almonds, water tomato jelly and begonia. As difficult for desserts as I can be, my heart wings with those of my friend pastry chef Daniel Hadida: no frills, just amazing ice cream of sparkling freshness, and that jaw-dropping granola (fried honey and salted butter?).