Magazine Cinéma

Exodus : Le Péplum de Ridley Scott se dévoile …

Par Callahan21

14 ans après Gladiator, Ridley Scott sort à nouveau le grand jeu pour nous en mettre plein la vue avec une fresque historique … Exodus : Gods and Kings racontera le duel entre Moïse (Christian Bale) et son demi-frère Ramsès (Joel Edgerton) pour libérer les hébreux de l’esclavage.

Entertainment Weekly a dévoilé plusieurs clichés où on peut se rendre compte de l’ampleur du projet, apercevoir ce bon vieux prophète Scott et découvrir Sigourney Weaver dans le rôle de la mère de Ramsès.

Au cinéma le 24 décembre.

Exodus : Le Péplum de Ridley Scott se dévoile …
Exodus : Le Péplum de Ridley Scott se dévoile …
Exodus : Le Péplum de Ridley Scott se dévoile …

Pictured: Moses (Christian Bale) displays his prowess with a bow and arrow, as Joshua (Aaron Paul, center) and the scholar Nun (Ben Kingsley) watch.

" data-orig-size="612,380" title="DF-02915_2917R.JPG" data-image-title="DF-02915_2917R.JPG" align="left" data-orig-file="" style="width:244px; height:151px;" height="151" width="244" data-medium-file="" data-original-height="151" alt="" data-original-width="244" data-image-meta="{"aperture":"0","credit":"Kerry Brown","camera":"","caption":"EXODUS: GODS AND KINGS (2014)\rPictured: Moses (Christian Bale) displays his prowess with a bow and arrow, as Joshua (Aaron Paul, center) and the scholar Nun (Ben Kingsley) watch.","created_timestamp":"1381795200","copyright":"","focal_length":"0","iso":"0","shutter_speed":"0","title":"DF-02915_2917R.JPG"}" data-large-file="" />
Exodus : Le Péplum de Ridley Scott se dévoile …

Pictured: Moses (Christian Bale) displays his prowess with a bow and arrow, as Joshua (Aaron Paul, center) and the scholar Nun (Ben Kingsley) watch.

" data-orig-size="612,380" title="DF-02915_2917R.JPG" data-image-title="DF-02915_2917R.JPG" align="left" data-orig-file="" style="width:249px; height:155px;" height="155" width="249" data-medium-file="" data-original-height="155" alt="" data-original-width="249" data-image-meta="{"aperture":"0","credit":"Kerry Brown","camera":"","caption":"EXODUS: GODS AND KINGS (2014)\rPictured: Moses (Christian Bale) displays his prowess with a bow and arrow, as Joshua (Aaron Paul, center) and the scholar Nun (Ben Kingsley) watch.","created_timestamp":"1381795200","copyright":"","focal_length":"0","iso":"0","shutter_speed":"0","title":"DF-02915_2917R.JPG"}" data-large-file="" />
Exodus : Le Péplum de Ridley Scott se dévoile …

Pictured: Ridley Scott confers on-set with Sigourney Weaver, who portrays Tuya.

behind the scenes, on set

" data-orig-size="612,380" title="DF-02427R.JPG" data-image-title="DF-02427R.JPG" align="left" data-orig-file="" style="width:249px; height:155px;" height="155" width="249" data-medium-file="" data-original-height="155" alt="" data-original-width="249" data-image-meta="{"aperture":"0","credit":"Kerry Brown","camera":"","caption":"EXODUS: GODS AND KINGS (2014)\rPictured: Ridley Scott confers on-set with Sigourney Weaver, who portrays Tuya.\r\rbehind the scenes, on set","created_timestamp":"1381276800","copyright":"","focal_length":"0","iso":"0","shutter_speed":"0","title":"DF-02427R.JPG"}" data-large-file="" />
Exodus : Le Péplum de Ridley Scott se dévoile …
Exodus : Le Péplum de Ridley Scott se dévoile …
Exodus : Le Péplum de Ridley Scott se dévoile …

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