Nick Marsh ( guitare/vocals) et James Mitchell (drums) forment Flesh for Lulu en 1982, après avoir recruté Rocco ( guitar and vocals) et Glen Bishop (bass), ce dernier est vite remplacé par par Kevin Mills.
'Flesh for Lulu' sort en 1984, Polydor les vire pour pauvres ventes.
Le groupe poursuit sa route alt.rock/new wave/gothic rock, sort encore quelques albums avant de déclarer forfait en 1992.
Marsh le remettra sur les rails en 2013 avec un line-up modifié.
Et entretemps?
Il a été embrigadé chez le band qui qualifie sa potion de Bourbon Soaked Gypsy Blues Bop'n'Stroll - In Black"N"Red, les déjantés The Urban Voodoo Machine.
Ainsi on eu l'occasion de le voir au Roots and Roses de 2013.
Le groupe lui rend hommage sur son site:
Nick Marsh 1962 - 2015
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
It is with tremendously heavy hearts that we must announce that our dear brother Nick Marsh lost his courageous battle with cancer this morning. As you can imagine The Urban Voodoo Machine and it's entire extended family are deeply saddened and reeling at this sudden and horrible news. Our immediate thoughts go out to Nicks family, most especially his partner Katharine Blake and their daughters Ava and Rosa. A full tribute will follow shortly, in the meantime should you wish to send messages of the support to Katharine and the girls please do so by visiting the Marsh Family Cancer Crisis Fund page at and perhaps leave a small donation whilst you are there.