Magazine Culture

QOTSA – The 6 minute drum chronology by Jamie Warren

Publié le 22 juillet 2017 par Rocknrank

RocknRank reprend du service avec un étonnement, un émerveillement, quelques pincements nostalgiques et surtout un profond respect pour l'artiste. Jamie Warren est un ovni. Le concept de blind test prend tout son sens.


Queens of the Stone Age (1998)
0:11-0:16 - Regular John
0:16-0:19 - Avon
0:19-0:23 - If Only
0:23-0:28 - Walkin' on the Sidewalks
0:28-0:32 - You Would Know
0:32-0:36 - How to Handle a Rope
0:36-0:40 - Mexicola
0:40-0:43 - Hispanic Impressions
0:43-0:49 - You Can't Quit Me Baby
0:49-0:53 - Give the Mule What He Wants

Rated R (2000)
0:53-0:59 - Feel Good Hit of the Summer
0:59-1:04 - The Lost Art of Keeping a Secret
1:04-1:08 - Leg of Lamb
1:08-1:14 - Auto Pilot
1:14-1:19 - Better Living Through Chemistry
1:19-1:25 - Monsters In the Parasol
1:25-1:28 - Quick and to the Pointless
1:28-1:34 - In the Fade
1:34-1:40 - Tension Headache
1:40-1:44 - I Think I Lost My Headache

Songs for the Deaf (2002)
1:44-1:48 - You Think I Ain't Worth a Dollar, But I Feel Like a Millionaire
1:48-1:53 - No One Knows
1:53-1:58 - First It Giveth
1:58-2:02 - A Song for the Dead
2:02-2:07 - The Sky Is Fallin'
2:07-2:09 - Six Shooter
2:09-2:15 - Hangin' Tree
2:15-2:21 - Go With the Flow
2:21-2:28 - Do It Again
2:28-2:36 - God Is In the Radio
2:36-2:40 - Another Love Song
2:40-2:47 - A Song for the Deaf

Lullabies to Paralyze (2005)
2:47-2:54 - Medication
2:54-3:00 - Everbody Knows That You Are Insane
3:00-3:07 - Tangled Up In Plaid
3:07-3:14 - Burn the Witch
3:14-3:21 - In My Head
3:21-3:27 - Little Sister
3:27-3:36 - I Never Came
3:36-3:41 - Someone's In the Wolf
3:41-3:45 - The Blood Is Love
3:45-3:51 - Skin On Skin
3:51-3:55 - Broken Box
3:55-3:59 - " You Got a Killer Scene There, Man... "
3:59-4:04 - Long Slow Goodbye

Era Vulgaris (2007)
4:04-4:09 - Turnin' On the Screw
4:09-4:14 - Sick, Sick, Sick
4:14-4:22 - I'm Designer
4:22-4:27 - Into the Hollow
4:27-4:34 - Misfit Love
4:34-4:41 - Battery Acid
4:41-4:46 - Make It wit Chu
4:46-4:53 - 3's & 7's
4:53-5:01 - Suture Up Your Future
5:01-5:04 - River In the Road
5:04-5:08 - Run, Pig, Run

...Like Clockwork (2013)
5:08-5:16 - Keep Your Eyes Peeled
5:16-5:20 - I Sat By the Ocean
5:20-5:23 - The Vampyre of Time and Memory
5:23-5:28 - If I Had a Tail
5:28-5:33 - My God Is the Sun
5:33-5:38 - Kalopsia
5:38-5:43 - Fairweather Friends
5:43-5:48 - Smooth Sailing
5:48-5:56 - I Appear Missing
5:56-6:13 - ...Like Clockwork

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