Magazine Culture

MIXTAPE : Home Made 11 by THIBAULT

Publié le 04 août 2017 par Hartzine

Il avait la brute. C'est certain.

01. Deaf Center - Time Spent
02. No More - Suicide Commando
03. Nacht'raum - Kranzo Roses
04. Michael Rother - Feuerland
05. Case Studies - From Richard Brautigan
06. Plastiktanz - Chord Invasions
07. Julia Holter - You & Me Both (live Arthur Russell tribute)
08. Leonardo Martelli - Leggende metropolitane
09. The Cure - The Hanging Garden (Studio Demo)
10. OSSIA - Red X
11. Patrick Cowley - Nightcrawler
12. Trader Horne - Jenny May

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