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I don't know why but Autumn always makes me want to blog. Maybe because I first started blogging for my birthday a few years ago ...
I came back and left many times. I have a love hate relationship with this blog. Pretty much like my relationship with food in general.

I kept baking, developing recipes and taking pictures whenever I could . Then I got burned out on it, stressed out. I couldnt keep up with my life . So I decided to stop but my passion for everything food related stayed with me.

Then, two years ago I broke my ankle playing roller derby. I couldn't walk for two months and had to stay home, going back and forth from my couch to my bed. My passion was there waiting for me.

I started taking pictures of my food again because it was my only distraction. It wasn't easy. I would cook and bake sitting on a stool at my kitchen table hobbling around with my crutches making my best to take pictures and posting them on Instagram. But it gave me a daily goal, something to focus on, and kept my mind busy.

Slowly but surely I was thinking about blogging again. I started designing a new self hosted blog. It took me quite some time. I was super excited. Then Life happenedand hit me hard again. Just getting out of bed in the morning was asking all of my energy. I had to put my life in storage and went back to live with my parents the time for me to heal my heart, my soul, my body.

This summer I was lucky enough to be able toattend two great food photography and styling workshops. I met amazing persons that were obsessed with cookbooks, food magazines, food props and that were taking pictures of their food before to eat it. I found it amazing and learnt so much.

So here I am again... Blogging for the first time after all these years. And I find myself doing it late November, my 35th birthday around the corner...

I fell in love with everything pumpkin a few years ago. In France you can't buy pumpkin pie spice mix so I had to come up with a recipe. I included it in a few pumpkin Recipes here and there in the past but I though that it would be easier for me to just link it every time I need it. And .... It is a very small one ! Baby Steps guys! Getting back in the game trying to figure how to do it all, all over again.

So Welcome if you are new here, and Thank You if you are still reading me after all this years.
To be honest I am quite nervous about pressing the" publish" button again.