Magazine Beaux Arts

Bibliographie - James Cook -37-38-39

Publié le 14 février 2018 par Detoursdesmondes

• Augustin Stephan, 1993, "Kunstsachen" von Cooks Reisen. Die Sammlung und ihre Geschichte im Volkerkundemuseum Herrnhut, Munster.
• Burney J., Journal 1772-1773, en ligne.
• Craig Robert D., 1978, « The 1780 Russian Inventory of Cook Artifacts » in Pacific Studies, vol.2, n°1.
• Kaeppler A.L.(ed.), 1978, Cook Voyage artefacts in Leningrad, Berne and Florence museums, Honolulu : Bishop Museum Press.
• Kaeppler A. L., 1983, « A further note on the Cook voyage collection in Leningrad » in The Journal of the Polynesian Society volume 92.En ligne : Journal of the Polynesian Society.
• Ryden Stig, 1963, The Banks Colection. An Episode in 18th - Century Anglo-Swedish Relations. The Ethnographical Museum of Sweden, Stockholm (Statens Etnografiska Museum). Monograph Series, Publication No. 8
• Soderström J., 1939, A. Sparrman’s ethnographical collection fom James Cook 2nd Expedition (1772 – 1775), Bokförlags Aktiebolaget Thule Stockholm.
• Svet Yakov M & Fedorova Svetlana G, 1978, « Captain Cook and the Russians » in Pacific Studies, vol.2, n°1.
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Biblio 32 - 33 - 34 - 35 - 36
Photo : Exhibit in the Etnografiska museet, Stockholm, 2014.

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