Plusieurs de mes toiles seront exposées lors de cet événement artistique à Athènes. Toutes les infos ci-après.

Many of my paintings will be exhibited during this artistic event in Athens. The objective of Platforms Project is to map artistic action as it is produced in the context of collective initiatives by artists who decide to join forces in seeking answers to artistic questions by creating the so-called platforms. All info below.
Χώρα: Ελλάδα, Γαλλία, Μεξικό
Πόλη: Αθήνα, Παρίσι, Μέξικο
Συμμετέχοντες Καλλιτέχνες: Los Otros X MJ Tom, Nikos Neskes, Tarek Ben Yakhlef, Simple G, Jaime Carbo
Επιμέλεια: ART BLOOM
Country: Greece, France, Mexico
City: Athens, Paris, Mexico City
Participating Artists: Los Otros X MJ Tom, Nikos Neskes, Tarek Ben Yakhlef, Simple G, Jaime Carbo
Curation: ART BLOOM