Magazine Culture

Ana Blandiana – Prière

Par Stéphane Chabrières @schabrieres

Ana Blandiana – PrièreDieu des libellules, des papillons de nuit,
Des alouettes et des hiboux,
Dieu des vers de terre, des scorpions
Et des cafards de la cuisine,
Dieu qui as enseigné à chacun autre chose
Et qui sais à l’avance tout ce qui arrivera à chacun,
Je donnerais n’importe quoi pour comprendre ce que tu as ressenti
Quand tu as établi les proportions
Des poisons, des couleurs, des parfums,
Quand tu as déposé dans un gosier le chant et dans un autre le croassement,
Et dans une âme le crime et dans l’autre l’extase,
Je donnerais n’importe quoi, surtout, pour savoir si tu as eu des remords
D’avoir fait des uns des victimes et des autres des bourreaux,
Egalement coupable vis-à-vis de tous
Puisque, tous, tu les as mis devant le fait accompli.
Dieu de la culpabilité d’avoir décidé tout seul
Du rapport entre le bien et le mal,
Balance difficilement maintenue en équilibre
Par le corps ensanglanté
De ton fils qui ne te ressemble pas.



Dumnezeu al libelulelor, al fluturilor de noapte,
Al ciocârliilor si al bufnitelor,
Dumnezeu al râmelor, al scorpionilor
Si al gândacilor de bucatarie,
Dumnezeu care i-ai învatat pe fiecare altceva
Si stii dinainte tot ce i se va întâmpla fiecaruia,
As da orice sa înteleg ce-ai simtit
Când ai stabilitit proportiile
Otravurilor, culorilor, parfumurilor,
Când ai asezat într-un cioc cântecul si în altul croncanitul,
Si-ntr-un suflet crima si în altul extazul,
As da orice, mai ales, sa stiu daca ai avut remuscari
Ca pe unii i-ai facut victime si pe altii calai,
Egal de vinovat fata de toti
Pentru ca pe toti i-ai pus în fata faptului împlinit.
Dumnezeu al vinovatiei de a fi hotarât singur
Raportul între bine si rau,
Balanta mentinuta cu greu în echilibru
De trupul însângerat
Al fiului tau care nu-ti seamana.



God of the dragonflies, of nocturnal moths,
Of larks and owls,
God of earthworms and scorpions,
Of kitchen cockroaches,
God that has taught each one something different
And who knows beforehand what will happen to them all,
I’d like to know what you felt
When you settled
On the sizes
Of their poisons, colours and perfumes,
When you placed a song in one beak
And a cackle in another,
Murder in one soul and ecstasy in another,
I’d give anything to know
If you felt remorse
For making some of them victims and
Others hangmen,
Equally guilty before them all
Because all of them were born with a fait accompli.
God of guilt, for having decided on your own
The ratio of evil and good,
The scales trembling always in a delicate balance
Above the wounded body
Of your son, who
Does not resemble you at all.


Ana Blandiana (née en 1942 à Timișoara)Patria mea A4 (2010)Ma patrie A4

(Black Herald Press, 2018) – Traduit du roumain par Muriel Jollis-Dimitriu – My Native Land A4 (Bloodaxe Books, 2014) – Translated by Paul Scott Derrick and Viorica Patea.

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