The practice of meditation in the dark, to reveal inner light :
evam eva durniśāyāṃ kṛṣṇapakṣāgame ciram |
taimiram bhāvayan rūpam bhairavaṃ rūpam eṣyati || 87 ||
"Just like that, evoking darkness
for a long time in a dark night
of the dark fortnight,
one will go to the divine form."
evam eva nimīlyādau netre kṛṣṇābham agrataḥ |
prasārya bhairavaṃ rūpam bhāvayaṃs tanmayo bhavet || 88 ||
"Just like that, having first closed one's eyes,
a dark blue light appears in (the space in) front.
Realizing (that) form as divine,
one becomes that."