The practice of philosophy of Recognition. Recognizing the divine in one's own experience :
sarvajñaḥ sarvakartā ca vyāpakaḥ parameśvaraḥ |
sa evāhaṃ śaivadharmā iti dārḍhyāc chivo bhavet || 109 ||
"All-knowing, all-doing and (all)-pervading :
I am that very one, that supreme Lord himself,
(because) I have divine powers.
Being firm in that (conviction), one becomes God."
jalasyevormayo vahner jvālābhaṅgyaḥ prabhā raveḥ |
mamaiva bhairavasyaitā viśvabhaṅgyo vibheditāḥ || 110 ||
"Like waves of water, flames of fire
and light of Sun,
those fragments that are everything
are differenciated from me, the Divine."