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Vijnana Bhairava 109 110 Recognizing Consciousness As Divine

Publié le 20 octobre 2020 par Anargala
Vijnana Bhairava 109 110 Recognizing Consciousness As DivineHarîti, Gandhâra

 The practice of philosophy of Recognition. Recognizing the divine in one's own experience :

sarvajñaḥ sarvakartā ca vyāpakaḥ parameśvaraḥ |

sa evāhaṃ śaivadharmā iti dārḍhyāc chivo bhavet || 109 ||

"All-knowing, all-doing and (all)-pervading :

I am that very one, that supreme Lord himself,

(because) I have divine powers.

Being firm in that (conviction), one becomes God."

jalasyevormayo vahner jvālābhaṅgyaḥ prabhā raveḥ |

mamaiva bhairavasyaitā viśvabhaṅgyo vibheditāḥ || 110 ||

"Like waves of water, flames of fire

and light of Sun, 

those fragments that are everything

are differenciated from me, the Divine."

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