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Vijnana Bhairava 127 128 Awakening to What Is Uncreated And Merging In Space

Publié le 02 novembre 2020 par Anargala
Vijnana Bhairava 127 128 Awakening to What Is Uncreated And Merging In Space

The practice of awakening to what is uncreated and merging in space :

yad avedyaṃ yad agrāhyaṃ yac chūnyaṃ yad abhāvagam |

tat sarvam bhairavam bhāvyaṃ tadante bodhasambhavaḥ || 127 ||

"What is unkonwable, ungraspable, 

what is empty and not an object :

all that should be realized as divine.

At the end of that (realization)

awakening/awareness arises."

nitye nirāśraye śūnye vyāpake kalanojjhite |

bāhyākāśe manaḥ kṛtvā nirākāśaṃ samāviśet || 128 ||

"Project (your) attention in outer space

which is eternel, without support, empty

pervasive (and) undivided.

Then one will be completely absorbed into hyper-space."

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