Magazine Entreprise

134 milliards de dollars - Dragon Family

Publié le 06 juillet 2009 par Jean-Marie Le Ray

I. 134 milliards de dollars (8 juin)
II. 134 milliards de dollars - suite (10 juin)
III. 134 milliards de dollars - trop gros pour être faux (14 juin)
IV. 134 milliards de dollars - les mystères de l'information (16 juin)
V. 134 milliards de dollars - les comptes ne tournent pas rond ! (24 juin)
VI. 134 milliards de dollars - le mystère continue ! (30 juin)
VII. 134 milliards de dollars - Hal Turner (4 juillet)
VIII. 134 milliards de dollars - Dragon Family (6 juillet)
* * *
Ce matin je lis un article fort intéressant sur Il Giornale, le quotidien qui appartient à Silvio Paolo Berlusconi.
Où l'on apprend plusieurs choses :

  1. Les deux japonais, qui se sont perdus dans la nature, s'appelleraient Akihiko Yamaguchi et Mitusoyoshi Wanatabe ;
  2. parmi les documents saisis, le nom d'un contact italien : Alessandro Santi, ex-président du Consortium International des Transports de Rome ;
  3. parmi les pièces saisies, certains documents permettraient de relier des titres à la Dragon Family !

Je rappelle la source, le journal est celui du frère de Silvio Berlusconi...
Une autre source indique qu'entre jeudi et samedi derniers, la Guardia di Finanza et les services secrets américains ont procédé à plusieurs perquisitions en Lombardie en saisissant mobiles, ordinateurs, documentation, etc., et précise par ailleurs que les passeports des deux japonais circulent déjà sur Internet...
À ce jour je n'avais jamais entendu parler d'aucun de ces noms, sauf de cette mystérieuse Dragon Family, autant vous dire que j'ai fait tilt !
C'était dans mon avant-dernier billet, voici le passage :

J'ajouterai que lors des nombreuses recherches que je mène sur le sujet depuis trois semaines maintenant, j'ai plusieurs fois rencontré les commentaires d'un certain "wheel", qui semblent recouper, là encore, l'info d'AsiaNews selon laquelle, contrairement aux affirmations de Meyerhardt (no such securities exist), les T-Notes Kennedy existeraient bel et bien :
I believe they made big mistakes with the 1934 dates and Kennedy Bonds of course. To be totally correct you must know that the Kennedy Bonds were issued in 1998 in lieu of paying interest on the Gold Coin owned by the Dragon Family in the Federal Reserve. Believe that the Kennedy Bonds are real but just not those. There are many other financial instruments issued by the U.S. Treasury that you do not know of as well. This is all I can say. Best Wishes
Wheel says:
6/19/2009 at 1:23 pm
Brendan they had issuance dates of 1934…Kennedy waa a baby.. Impossible to be so. But the fact of the matter is that Kennedy Bonds exist and much much more than the 134 Billion you are reading about. If the Family that owns the Kennedy bonds wanted to harm us they could have at any time during the past 70 plus years. It is not a government but works with the upper echelons of the powerful governments that exist today. We are not supposed to know any of this.
J'ignore qui est cette personne et quelles sont ses sources, mais la date correspond (1998) et le ton péremptoire n'est pas exactement celui de quelqu'un qui parle sans savoir !
Allez savoir...

Or c'est en cherchant la copie des passeports sur Internet que j'ai fini par obtenir plusieurs réponses aux questions que je me suis posées dans mes derniers billets.
Tout est dans les "révélations" d'un certain Whistleblower, qui datent du 18 juin (je n'avais jamais trouvé ce site auparavant !) (par contre la date explique très certainement la source d'Hal Turner...) :

Akihiko Yamaguchi was a top official at the Japanese Ministry of Finance, and the signatory for the Dragon Funds under the authority of the Ministry of Finance / Minister.
Yamaguchi was also responsible for the unauthorized and illegal issuance of the Japanese 57 Series Bonds which were issued using the Dragon Funds as Collateral. Yamaguchi was subsequently arrested and incarcerated for Fraud.
(...) the Dragon Funds are actually part of the Collateral Accounts of the Global Debt Facility, whereby The Japanese Ministry of Finance / Government are just Custodians of the numerous Accounts held in Japan, and whom hold no authority, without of course the requisite permission of the International Treasury Controller, to issue, or authorize issuance of any Bonds, Notes, Certificates or otherwise against the Dragon Fund Accounts.

Et il joint 6 documents PDF (et en omet deux autres Top secrets, selon ses déclarations), dont copie des passeports des deux japonais (Akihiko Yamaguchi et Mitusoyoshi Wanatabe), une procuration impliquant Mitusoyoshi Wanatabe, aux termes de laquelle il pourrait négocier plusieurs bons de 500 milliards de Yen chacun (3,78 milliards d'euros au change d'aujourd'hui), et la copie d'un bon...
Ce billet a été posté il y a plus de 2 semaines, le jeudi 18 juin !!! Or là encore, des infos que l'on trouve chez les américains (sources anonymes) sont confirmées par les italiens (sources nommées et identifiables). Tout n'est pas parfaitement recoupable, mais quelques éléments essentiels, oui. Ainsi dans ce billet, Whistleblower nomme explicitement Akihiko Yamaguchi, en ajoutant que son complice en Italie pouvait être Mitsuyoshi Watanabe (circonstance confirmée pour la première fois, deux semaines plus tard, en Italie)...
Par ailleurs, en cherchant à mieux comprendre à quoi se réfère cette sibylline famille du Dragon, j'ai suivi un échange extrêmement circonstancié entre "Whistleblower" (qui semble vraiment très très bien informé...) et son interlocuteur, un "dialogue" qui remonte au mois d'avril 2009 ! Voici quelques passages relatifs aux Dragon Funds :

- Is it a coincidence that Benjamin Fulford made a claim that the Chinese Emperor in fact existed and has taken possession of the vast quantity of gold owed to the Dragon clan?
- Slight confusion here. I am assuming the “Dragon Clan” refers to the “Dragon Funds” which in fact is held in Japan, not China as suggested. We know of no other “Dragon Clan” where the assets of the Collateral Accounts are held under Custodianship. In fact the assets of the Chinese Emperor and Family, are part of the Collateral Accounts, some of which are held in Japan (Dragon Funds) under Custodian Rules. As far as we are aware, what remains of the Chinese Emperor’s Family, reside in Taiwan and America. If, they are still part of this system, which I am not going to reveal publicly whether they are or are not, then they are custodians only on behalf of the Collateral Accounts, and hold a responsibility to ensure that the assets under their Custodian jurisdiction are safe and secure. These assets are not owned by the Emperor or his Family, and therefore if the “Dragon Clan” has taken possession of Gold owed to the “Dragon Clan”, then legally it is Gold taken into possession by the “Dragon Clan” on behalf of the Collateral Accounts, not on behalf of the Family as suggested by Fulford.
- This is part of some supposedly secret arrangement between the Federal Reserve and the Dragon clan many years ago?
- Secret to a point. Certificates were issued through (The word “through” is a very prominent factor here) various international banks, against the Gold assets of China and many other families. Those certificates can only be “called” if there is a doubt that the assets are being misused, plundered, stolen, or whose safe and secure depository is held to be jeopardized (Note: Gold Certificates hold a maximum 30 year term only after which they are invalid). Obviously, there is a strong feeling that those assets have been, or are, jeopardized and therefore a demand for the return and relocation of depository has been made by the Trustees / Custodians in order to protect the assets from any further abuse, or similar, that are jeopardizing the assets and the legal use thereof. There is a lot more to this than what I can explain publicly, except to say that the “Dragon Clan” hold the legal right, as Trustees / Custodians, to attend to this matter on behalf of the Collateral Accounts. If they decide that the assets are, or have been jeopardized, then it is their legal duty to act accordingly to protect the assets.

Autre extrait :

The “Dragon Funds”, which are the actual Accounts emanating from the actual physical stocks, are held in Japan, under the Ministry of Finance. The utilization of funds against the accounts is usually undertaken by issuance of Bonds (Japanese Bonds No: …?...). The latest that I am aware of was the Japanese Bonds No: 57, which were issued illegally whereby Mr Yamaguchi (The Signatory and Finance Ministry Official) was arrested, convicted and incarcerated for fraud). Within the documents issued with the Bonds it will be seen, and clearly printed “Dragon Funds”
The actual physical stocks may be deposited in China or any other country. These assets can not be used / utilized by the Country holding them under Custodian Rules.
It will be Japan who are legally responsible for the security of the accounts, whereas it will be the country where the actual physical is held that will be legally responsible for the physical assets.

Voilà, vous m'excuserez de ne pas vous traduire, mais bon, tout ça pour moi, c'est ... du chinois :-)
Si celles et ceux qui savent voulaient bien se donner la peine...
En attendant, le mystère s'épaissit !

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