Magazine Beaux Arts

Exposition « Poster 4 Tomorrow » aux Arts Décos

Publié le 14 décembre 2009 par Lilzeon

Citoyens !
Depuis le 10 décembre, au Musée des Arts Décoratifs de Paris, vous pouvez voir le week-end l’exposition « Poster 4 Tomorrow« .

Exposition « Poster 4 Tomorrow » aux Arts Décos

Rappel du Manifesto :

« Freedom of expression, the simple freedom to say what you want, about whatever you want, is a right that most of us can enjoy without even thinking. Even more now that the internet has given us a forum for debate and criticism wider and more instant than ever before.

Online, or offline, it’s possible to say anything without any form of consequence, and most of the time we come up with nothing more profound than: Your album sucks. England is a shithole. Berlusconi is corrupt. But in many other countries freedom of expression is a much more serious subject.

People are persecuted and imprisoned simply for daring to criticise their governments, calling for more democracy and press freedom, or exposing human rights abuses online. It’s just not right.

So on behalf of those who don’t enjoy the same freedom of expression that you do, we’d like to invite you to create a poster for a better tomorrow – where we can all say what we want, whenever we want.

Our hope with “Poster4Tomorrow” is to spark a movement to inspire people to stand together against injustice across the world. A movement that will start next year and continue next year and every year until we change something. Because one poster is a start, hundreds, thousands will become a movement for a better tomorrow. »

Au final, 100 affiches fortes, engagées, qui rappellent que communiquer n’est pas forcément inné et facile partout dans le monde.

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