For once in while, here's a savoury recipe- just because this one turned out to be so delicious. A complete cupboard invention test success!We roasted a chicken which was nearly a turkey (in size) on Sunday- So on Sunday night we had lots of chicken leftovers. Usually I freeze it in small quantities to add to pasta, soups or home made pizzas...This time I felt creative....and a big need to empty the spice cupboard too = chicken Hola!
400-500g de poulet roti froid en morceaux2 gousses d'ail, emincées tres fin1 oignon blanc, emincé bien fin3 cuil. a soupe d'huile d'olive1 boite de concasse de tomates1 boite de pois chiches ou feves1 cuil. a soupe de paprika1 cuil. a café de cumin en poudre 2g de saffran2 poivrons rouges2 pommes de terre moyennes, epluchées et coupes en cubes d'environ 2cms (optionel)sel et poivre500ml d'eau
400-500 g cold roast chicken, cut in pieces or roughly shredded 2 garlic cloves, finely sliced1 white onion, finely sliced3 tbps olive oil 1 can chopped tomatoes1 can chick peas or butter beans1 tbps paprika1 tsp ground cumin2g saffron
2 red peppers2 medium size potatoes (optional), peeled and chopped into 1 inch cubesSalt, pepper500ml water
1. Faites revenir les oignons doucement dans l'huile d'olive 4 a 5 minutes. 2. Ajoutez le paprika, le cumin, l'ail et le poulet. Faites revenir quelques minutes de plus. 3. Ajoutez l'eau, le saffan, les tomates, les pois chiches ou les feves, les pommes de terres, les poivrons. melangez bien. Goutez, salez, poivrez, goutez encore!4. Couvrez et enfournez a 170 degres pendant 35 a 40 minutes.5. Servez avec des tranches de pain de campagne grillées et frottées a l'ail :)
EASY 5 STEPS RECIPE:1. Gently cook the onions in the oil for 4 to 5 minutes until tender. 2. Stir in the paprika, the cumin, the chicken and the garlic and cook for another few minutes3. Add the water, saffon, chopped tomatoes, peppers and chick peas/butter beans.Mix well. Taste, season, taste again!4. Cover and oven cook for 35 to 40 minutes at 170 degrees.5. Serve with thick slices of crusty bread, toasted and rubbed with a garlic clove :)