Magazine Culture

Outils de recherche (07/04/08)

Publié le 07 avril 2008 par Pintini
- Can Social Bookmarking Improve Web Search?
(source: université de Stanford via L. Dempsey, 30/03/08)
- From Keyword Search to Exploration: How Result Visualization Aids Discovery on the Web (pdf)
(source: université du Maryland via LibrarianInBlack, 29/03/08)
- Federated search: the challenges of incremental results
(source: Federated Search, 28/03/08)
- Still Waiting for a Real Google Book Search API
(source: Dan Cohen's Digital Humanities Blog, 01/04/08)
- Google to stop crawling the web: will federate it instead
(source: Federated Search, 01/04/08)
- The role of federated search in providing accurate information
(source: Federated Search, 03/04/08)
- Defining Link Building Best Practices
(source: SEL, 01/04/08)
- Google News: mythes et réalités
(source: Abondance, 04/04/08)
- Google est-il un «vrai» média?
(source: JM Salaün, 06/04/08)
- Simply Google
(source: LibrarianInBlack, 04/04/08)
Tous les sites et toutes les recherches possibles sur une seule page.

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