Simons grand opening // Canada Goose feat. En Masse signature style!
Par Nanatoulouse
Hi peeps!Last Thursday was the grand opening of the new Simons store at Galeries d’Anjou (cue harp-playing angels). I had exactly 2 reasons to be excited:
Reason #1: I like big events, and the opening of a huge store that I enjoy shopping at is, for me, a BIG event. 5 minutes away from home? I’ll take it!
Reason #2: I got to check out a very special project held in collaboration between Simons and En Masse.
If you’ve never heard of En Masse, they are a collaborative group of artists based in Montreal. Their canvases are typically larger in scale; their creations are the result of collaborations between several artists, and their style is rather unconventional in relation to mainstream art. They describe themselves as the “bridge” between marginal artists and today’s art institutions. En Masse offers opportunities for those who may not have normally had a chance to get their art be known otherwise. En Masse focuses on several types of projects, many of which have a direct impact on the community. And THIS is what I’m talking about today!
In honour of the new Simons store opening in Anjou, En Masse has released a unique line: their signature style drawn all over Canada Goose jackets. These limited edition pieces are only available at Simons Anjou, and they are totally badass. The best part is that all profits made from these pieces will be donated to charities such as the Club des Petits Dejeuners du Quebec. Buy a cool jacket, help a kid eat breakfast. How’s that for community involvement?
Lester B. Pearson High School c/o Katie Greene
En Masse also has a mentorship program (En Masse for the Masses.) Their goal is to encourage students to work together and express themselves through art in their schools. Last winter, they worked on a mural where I work (picture above). The results were truly impressive! As a teacher, I can appreciate the work put into getting teens to express their thoughts in an original way. In short, the limited edition Canada Goose jackets promote style and they exemplify the ideals of social responsibility. It’s win-win! Géraldine xo *En bref: La collection comporte six modèles pour femmes et six pour hommes. Les exemplaires des douze modèles sont numérotés et signés par les cinq membres collaborateurs d’EN MASSE. Ces manteaux hors série de Canada Goose seront proposés exclusivement au nouveau magasin de La Maison Simons situé aux Galeries d’Anjou et toutes les recettes de la vente seront versées à des organisations caritatives.Géraldine, collaboratrice du mardiÀ propos de l'auteur:Géraldine est une professeure d'école secondaire, elle est aussi une de mes amies les plus chères. Fan finie de médias sociaux, Instagram est de loin son préféré d'entre tous. Suivez-la sous @geraldinea pour en découvrir davantage sur elle. Le mardi elle nous présente ses trouvailles de la semaine! C'est un rendez-vous! xo