Voici une petite compilation des plus belles lampes, qu’elles soient suspendues, en bois, en papier, en béton, en marbre ou avec effets 3D. Nous avons compilé pour vous les oeuvres les plus originales qui nous ont marqués. Une belle sélection à découvrir !
Vilu Light by GT2P.

Dandelion Lights by Takao Inoue.

The Stormy Cloud Light by Richard Clarkson.

Water Dream Light by Nendo.

3D Optical Illusion of 2D Lamps by Studio Cheha.

Symphony Lamp by Anna Strupinskaya and Alexey Ivashkevich.

Loomi Light by Loomi.

Fish Lamps by Frank Gehry.

Lumio Folding Book Lamp by Max Gunawan.

Optimus Lamp by Tcherassi Vilato.

Chantilly Lamp by Constance Guisset.

Silhouette Lamp by Mark Parsons.

3D Breaking Lamps by Gassling.

Jellyfish Lamps by Roxy Russell.

Slash Lamp by Dragos Motica.

Sputnik Lamps by Julie Lansom.

The Big Bubble by Alex De Witte.

Starry Light Lamps by Anna Farkas and Miklos Batisz.

Tull Lamp by Tommaso Caldera.

Pencil Lamp by Michael And George.

String Lights by Michael Anastassiades.

Aeon Rocket Pendant Lamp by Morten Voss.

Beautiful Glass And Marble Light by Lucie Koldova.

Blumen Light by Blumen.

DIY Paper Lamp With Patterns by Fifti-Fifti.

Edison Light Project by Damien Urvoy.

Folded Lamp by Ariel Zuckerman.

Frank Dog Lamp by Pana Objects.

Paper Animal Lights by Maik Perfahl and Wolfgang List.

Pop Up Light by Well Well Designers.

Servile Desk and Rocking Lamp by M.OSS.

Soft Light Concept by Simon Frambach.

The Kolo Lamps by Pani Jurek and Piotr Musiałowsk.

Wire Lampshade and Bookmark by Groupa Studio.

Woodspot Lamp by Alessandro Zambelli.